Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Supreme Court candidates . . . and ethical change?

Judicial election season has begun with a number of judges announcing they will not be seeking re-election. All of which is bringing announcements from candidates for the bench.

Among the candidates throwing their hat in the ring for Justice Maupin's spot on the Nevada Supreme Court is prior Supreme Court candidate Don Chairez who is proposing judicial ethical reforms if elected to the court:

Chairez, 52, a former Clark County district judge, ran against Maupin for the Supreme Court B seat in 2002 but lost. He has run unsuccessfully for other posts as well, but worked successfully to get a measure on the ballot in 2006 to restrict the ability of governments to take private land through eminent domain. The constitutional amendment will be on the ballot again in November for a second and final vote.

Chairez said he is planning to file another constitutional amendment dealing with judicial reform for the November ballot. Among other changes, it would require judges to disqualify themselves from cases if they had received campaign contributions from the involved parties, and would let voters decide on judicial replacements instead of giving the governor the authority make such appointments.

But how will Vegas maintain it's old boys network and ensure favorable treatment from judges if they can't openly donate to a judge's campaign fund and then appear before the same judge?

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