Monday, January 28, 2008

Update on the case of the Missing Heavy Hitter

UPDATE on the story of the missing criminal defense attorney

Well, add the 4 ft 10" Heavy Hitter's name to the list of Nevada Bar members who have achieved national attention for their embarassing legal actions:

The ABA Journal has an article detailing Glen Lerner's choice to stay on "sabbatical" rather than represent his criminal client charged with murder.

Additionally, Las Vegas Review-Journal has an article today suggesting the Heavy Hitter may face criminal as well as civil sanctions:

[Boyd Law School Professor Martin] Geer said the District Court judge presiding over the case, Michelle Leavitt, could hold Lerner in civil or criminal contempt. That means Leavitt could order Lerner to pay the county costs associated with the delay in the trial. If she makes a complaint and it's upheld by the State Bar, he could even have his license to practice law taken away.

But Leavitt also could hold Lerner in criminal contempt and require him to spend upwards of 25 days behind bars as a way of punishing him, Geer said.

"A lot of judges would have issued a warrant for his arrest immediately. I've seen it happen when someone is late," Geer said.
Can you live the "life of a rock star" without a license to practice law and in prison?

1 comment:

  1. Martin Geer got quoted in the RJ as an expert in CrimLaw. HA!
