An update on the Judge Del Vecchio story:
The AP reports that the DA has concluded that criminal charges would be barred by the statute of limitations and notes that the woman who is the alleged victim of the alleged attacks is now 28 years old . . .
[Judge Del Vecchio] denies the allegations and asserts that the Clark County Office of Diversity investigated many of the same allegations and cleared him of all charges.
Count 1 - charges that Del Vecchio made his 14 year old step-daughter perform fellatio on him; he provided financial assistance to her for nude modeling when she was 15 to 17 years old; and he took nude photographs of her when she was between the ages of 14 and 16. He later apologized to her for these actions . . . he hired her as his Judicial Assistant. He advised her that she needed to work on his re-election campaign in 2002. In 2003, he advised her that she needed to have sexual relations with him in order to keep her job. They then had sexual relations once a month from April to the end of the year of 2003. He provided alcohol as she needed to be drunk to engage in the sexual relations.
Count 2: The former step-daughter began attending law school in autumn, 2003. Del Vecchio asked Chief Judge Hardcastle to allow her to work a flexible schedule as a Judicial Assistant to accommodate her law school schedule, but Judge Hardcastle said that a flex schedule was not permissible. Del Vecchio permitted her to work a flex
schedule and attend law school classes during the day in exchange for having
sexual relations with him.
The delay here, however, seems especially egregious. If in fact Del Vecchio committed these acts, he should have been off of the bench years ago. If he did not commit these acts, the Commission has raised these issues in an election year and will no doubt heavily influence the election by its actions as it is doubtful that the issues will be resolved prior to the primary.
For the last 2 years this judge has allowed my divorce and custody battle to go on and on. He only allowed my lawyer (at $1500 a visit) to speak for a few minutes while he let my ex-wife’s lawyer go on and on wasting all the time I had to fight for my daughter. I have lost 2 years of my daughter’s life while he allows her 90 days to sign a paper, 60 days to produce a document I HAD IN MY HAND IN COURT, months to decide if she likes the way a sentence is printed. He has allowed my ex-wife to not let me see my daughter for the last 2 Christmas holidays and her birthday. He just says "what's the problem?" and will NOT ALLOW me to tell him. I feel like some one kidnapped my daughter and I get to see and touch her a few times a year for just a few minutes and then she steals her back from me. THIS JUDGE IS TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH WITH WHAT PEOPLE NEED FROM HIM. I used to think that if you played the game by the rules that you would win. WRONG!! With this Judge all you have to be is beautiful with big boobs and an ass and he will give you ANYTHING YOU WANT. I have a court order to see my daughter every week end for just a few hours. I have a court order to talk to my daughter EVERY night. I HAVE NOT SEEN MY DAUGHTER SINCE 4/23/08 - EASTER. I HAVE NOT TALKED TO MY DAUGHTER ON THE PHONE IN OVER A YEAR. I take the police with me every time I go to pick up my daughter with my "papers" (court orders) in hand. She lies to them and tells them she does not have to let me see her. They can NOT do anything. SHE KNOWS THIS JUGE WILL NOT PUNISH HER BECAUSE SHE IS BEAUTIFUL. I am at a loss. I want to give up but I love my daughter who is just 4 1/2 years old now. My last true memory of my daughter is her running to my arms in her "squishy" diaper. She is now asking for Hanna Montana shirts. I missed everything. Del Vecchio ruined my life. His lack of interest in what was REALLY happening is pathetic. He is TOTALLY gender bias and will not listen to anything m lawyer has to say. I have paid my lawyer $5000 and still owe him $10,000. This Judge is an embarrassment to the Family court system. We need to unite and get him off the bench. I thank Rebecca for standing up so more people can tell the stories of a Judge that has NO BUSINESS on the bench.
ReplyDeleteTry having 2 court cases with relatively close bios of the Judges. Phycosexual evaluations at $7500, all in all over $45k spent to back up the evidence against adverse party, yet he kept custody of the 12 year abandoned child?? Mother had facts, evidence and documents to back up the facts, including fact findings from the court ordered evals finding the "father" to be a risk for sexual crimes but nit limited to sexual humiliation, sexual domenance and lack of moral conscience. Lost my job, hair, friends, savings of $37k followed up by home. The funny thing, our case began June 2006, after the charges had been filed against him. Why would they allow him to preside over a case with such similar accusations.I could never figure why? I didnt get to see my son I solely raised for 12 years, ALONE, never harmed attended school functions, honor student for over 4 months. My son is now back in my care, but no thanks to Judge Del Vecchio, my son ran away and told me of the threats that were made to him, abuse and intimidation were a daily part of his world. Not to mention the constant slander about me!!