Friday, February 8, 2008

Other odd ball Nevada law news (Darren Mack, drunk PD, horse tripping, Heavy Hitter, Scientology tax breaks, mortgage crisis, judicial elections)

Fri wrap-up:

Crazy defendant-of-the-moment, Darren Mack, explained in court that when he almost completely severed his wife's head from her body, it was an act of self-defense (Review-Journal)

Two Clark County Public Defenders were arrested last weekend from the same car. One for suspected drunk driving, the other for obstruction. [They better hope they can afford private counsel. Clark County PDs are overloaded.] (Review-Journal)

Horse tripping is now illegal in Lyon County (Nevada Appeal)

An annonymous editorial calls on the Nevada State Bar to sanction the 4 ft 10" Heavy Hitter for his Super Bowl ad (Review-Journal)

At the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a Jewish couple is attempting to claim a tax break reserved by the IRS for the Church of Scientology (New York Sun; Audio link to argument available at How Appealing)

The financial geniuses who helped create the mortgage crisis while getting rich off the risky deals hit Vegas over the weekend to relax after receiving so much bad publicity (NY Times). At the same time, the median price for a Vegas home dropped below $250k--the lowest price since 2004 (Las Vegas Sun)

Only one of the candidates running to unseat a Supreme Court justice is currently a judge (Las Vegas Sun)

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