Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good luck Bar Applicants!

In my haste to enjoy what is left of an actual winter, I completed neglected the plight of the would-be lawyer.

For those of you who are on vacation, locked away in your firm’s associate dungeon being whipped repeatedly for more billable hours, or otherwise too engrossed in work to come up for air, this is the week of the February 2008 Bar Exam.

That’s right, hundreds of recent law school grads and would-be out-of-state transplants attempt to crack into the good ole boys’ state and practice law here in the wild wild west.

If last February’s 53% pass rate is any indication, there will likely be a lot of repeat takers come July '08. Statistics have shown that there is generally a higher pass rate for the Nevada Bar for the July exam than in February.

So good luck to all the recent grads and repeat takers. And remember buggery for the crim law essay!

Also, for all you bar takers who need some stress relief, check out the post on absurd bar exam preparation techniques on

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