Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let's get ready to Rumble! The Roundup

The trial of Personal Injury attorney Noel Gage began today and Gage remains positive that he'll be acquitted. After allegedly gerry-rigging medical records for Plaintiffs and allegedly changing their treatment to make for a better Plaintiff's case, this is partially a trial of how much shit Nevada courts will allow from its attorneys. (Local ABC Affiliate)

What the hell is happening to Nevada and our libertarian, freewheeling idea? First, we vote down a measure to legalize marijuana and now we're limiting who gets to receive the traditional quickie Nevada divorce (Las Vegas Sun). Combine that with the Hookers for Jesus, and what the hell is happening to this state?

Sad profile of the Urbanski family's continuing hunt for justice in the Pacman Jones strip club death case. (Las Vegas Sun)

Everybody's favorite psycho, Darren Mack, is asking to withdraw his guilty pleas (Reno Gazette Journal)

Editorial today calls for Justice Court Judges to find other alternative before requesting a new courthouse and a night court (Las Vegas Sun)

And, up in Reno, the District Attorney is looking to use a nuisance ordinance to trap gangs (Nevada Appeal)

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