Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Survey--Bonuses and Payscale

Okay, a number of attorneys have written in requesting information on the bonus and payscale structures at Vegas firms.

So we're hosting another survey. Please post a comment to this article or write us at and let us know:
  • what the payscale is at your firm (i.e. the set annual pay increase to attorney salary during the 2nd yr, 3rd yr, 4th yr, etc.)
  • the range of bonuses offered
  • what the bonuses are based on (e.g. rainmaking, performance, hours billed, etc.)
Does your firm have a vast spectrum of bonuses and a flexible payscale? We want to know that too. Please write in. Results will be posted in a few weeks.


  1. c'mon guys (used gender ambiguously) we need everyone's help on this one. Send in the DIRT! Let your greedy associate friends know at other firms, get the word out!

    Man I wish the intro to The Final Countdown was blaring in each of your ears right now.

  2. this would be very useful information - i hope you're able to dig some of this up.

  3. LSC is a % of your base salary for each hour over the minimum. Lockstep raises.

  4. Wow, how incredibly unhelpful that information is. Thanks!
