Apparently, Judge Ritchie Zimmerman isn't too keen on the idea of law firms in town making money off of speeders. We feel it is certainly a bold move ... one which will virtually assure that his her stint as Chief Judge will be a one-term deal. After all, for more than a few firms here in town, traffic tickets are their bread and butter, and we can't see how this move will win him her over with voters, of whom many take advantage of the fact that they can avoid points by using an attorney.
What say you, commenters? Is it fair that attorneys get special treatment when it comes to traffic fines? Is it too pretentious to use both a first initial and the surname suffix "Jr." in your name? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Edit: Judge Ritchie has nothing to do with Justice Court, the call is coming down from Judge Zimmerman. As the kids say: our bad. You may, however, continue to discuss the pretentiousness of Judge Ritchie's name, if you wish.
This, if true, is B.S. Richie will be voted out FOR SURE if he implements this. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
ReplyDeleteThere IS a lot of punctuation in his name....
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering: would this affect Craig P. Kenny's free traffic ticket service? And why do people pay other law firms to handle their tickets when CPK will do it for free?
Associates do it at my firm as (punishment) a service to our clients. I'll actually be happy if this is true.
ReplyDeleteYes, if this is true, it will affect CPK's traffic ticket service. He just does what every other attorney does, goes to court on attorney day and gets the fine reduced and points erased.
The reason some people pay to have this done is (it is my understanding) that CPK only does your first ticket for free.
Anon 12:38 pm nailed it: this is, if true, B.S.
ReplyDeleteI did NOT spend all that time going to law school to pay full price/points on my speeding tickets.
Anon @ 3:43
ReplyDeleteCPK has no limit on the number of tickets they will handle for you for free. (At least, they didn't before this policy. Can't say what will happen now). They come right out and say it in their letter they send every new client.
People may not get points or go to traffic school, but everyone still pays a hefty fine.
ReplyDeleteJudge Ritchie has nothing to do with the Justice Courts. You need to check out who is in charge before you post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the posting ...........
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