Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lynette Boggs - 1L

If you haven't already heard, Judge Mosley gave Lynette Boggs McDonald a hefty $2,000 fine for her role in committing voter fraud back in 2006, further cementing Nevada's status as tough on corruption. Unbeknownst to her, however, the punishment doesn't end there. You see, it seems that Ms. Boggs has aspirations beyond mere politics, she wants to be a lawyer! From the RJ:
After sentencing, Boggs appeared upbeat and relieved to have the case -- and Las Vegas -- behind her. She's now living in Texas with her parents and is considering going to law school. She wants to be a criminal defense and civil rights lawyer.
We can't think of a better punishment for Boggs than having to go through law school as the "old has-been" in class. We're sure students will be mystified by quotes such as "this is how it was in Vegas ..." and "back when I was on trial ..." Maybe she'll miss our great state and put in an application over at Boyd. We bet they would admit her with an LSAT in the 140's.

Here's hoping the character and fitness committee runs a Google search before admitting her.



  1. Why the sarcasm? Law school was a wonderful experience in our lives and it finally taught us right from wrong.
    We came away with a true sense of justice and an incorruptible character.

    Yours truly,

    Dario Herrera & Erin Kenny
