Monday, January 5, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes ....

It is a New Year, and in celebration we are introducing something that we believe will help all of us get the gossip and information we desire in a much more efficient manner. Introducing ... the Wild Wild Law Discussion Board.

OK, so maybe it isn't that big of a deal, but we see many benefits to having a discussion forum in addition to the blog.

First (and most importantly), it allows readers (that's you) to direct the discussion and ask the questions. No longer are you tied to discuss what we think is relevant.

Second, the forum has guest posting enabled (for the time being), so even you anonymous chickens can feel free to post.

Third, the former go-to salary and information discussion board, Greedy Wild West, appears to be dead. RIP, GWW.

Finally, it allows the WWL Blog to focus on more post-worthy news instead of scrambling to make news out of whatever the RJ and other news sources find interesting. The forums will (hopefully) also serve to tip us off to such post-worthy news.

We hope you all see the value in such a community, and we are happy to provide it for you, our loyal readers.

Bonus: You may now access the blog directly at WooHoo!


  1. I actually think this is a pretty good idea ... IF people participate. However, given the level of participation of commenters on the blog as of late, this seems doubtful.

  2. I think the problem is that people feel reluctant to post, even anonymously, due to the relatively small Vegas legal community.

    It would be pretty easy to narrow down the associates at even the bigger firms in town.

  3. Oh, come now, it is not that small. It's not like these large firms are going to be able to to nail down a "rogue associate" spilling salary, bonus & quality of life info. Life might get better for all of us if this information is out in the open. Competition is a good thing.

  4. I was wondering when you were going to get the domain and redirect it. I agree with Anon 1:04p - the forums are a good idea if they're used. Time will tell.
