Saturday, January 17, 2009

Greetings from a fellow blogger!

Thanks to your generous invitation to post on your blog, I wanted to introduce myself (here) and highlight a few of my recent posts on my own blog. First, a shout-out to Jim Shea, local Las Vegas bankruptcy guru and a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute's executive committee, who speaks about our current bankruptcy crisis in today's Las Vegas Sun (see here). Second, my own thoughts (written before the governor's draconian budget proposal) about the usefulness of higher education to Nevada (see here). I'm looking forward to getting to know "all y'all" (as we say back in my native Texas).

(Posted by Nancy Rapoport)


  1. Oh dear, is this going to turn into an intellectual blog instead of a rip on ATMS blog?

    Either way, welcome to the blog!

  2. Welcome, Nancy! We're honored to have you on board and look forward to your thoughts.

  3. We love you Prof. Rapoport! Please post again soon

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
