Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Clark County Psycho Indicted

Before we get into this story, we want you ladies out there to take a look at the picture to the left. The man you see is a motivational speaker from the U.K., complete with the British accent. Tall, dark, charming ... now, how many of you would let him buy you a drink? Entertain a nightcap? Hold that thought ...

That man is Michael Lane, and he has just been indicted by a Clark County grand jury for the murder of his girlfriend. That's (unfortunately) nothing new ... but the manner by which he did it, that's (kind of) new .

From the LV Sun:
[Lane's girlfriend] died from strangulation, with blunt head trauma as a significant contributing factor, the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.

Her body was found cut in half and stuffed into a trash can filled with bleach, according to a police report. Authorities said they believe she died about two weeks before she was found.

Lane told police the two were meditating in her bedroom when he decided to kill her, which he did by strangling her with an electric cord after striking her with a frying pan, according to the arrest report.
Oh, but the crazy didn't stop there:
[Lane] is also charged in a separate case of attempted murder in which he allegedly solicited a transsexual male for sex on Craigslist, then tried to run the person over with the dead woman’s vehicle.
Las Vegas Weekly has a great post that fully explores this psycho's recent activities. Meanwhile, we'll be steering clear of anyone who refers to their nether regions as their "bum."

Anyone know who defense counsel is?


  1. Who was the girlfriend? She must have really pissed this guy off. Maybe even more than Steffy pissed off Randy or more than Lizzie pissed off Ed.


  2. The frying pan is a nice touch.

  3. Dan Silverstien is defense counsel.

  4. The PDs office is representing the defendant.

  5. Although it won't happen because of security levels, I hope they send him to Lovelock, for obvious reasons.

  6. Maybe he can room with OJ.

  7. 1:13 - don't worry about 12:58. He/she is using CA law school english. Not quite up to snuff in NV.

    BTW - did anyone see the reciprocity deal with 30 states, not incl NV?

  8. Is there a record/list of which judges in the Eighth Jud. Dist. have had the most peremptory challenges invoked against them? If not, any thoughts on who might be in the lead?

  9. I would like to see a record/list of which judges in the Eighth Jud. Dist. have had the most decisions appealed and overturned by the Supreme Court?

    It seems like the same names keep showing up in overturned decisions.

  10. Gates used to hold the title for most peremptory challanges. I'm sure the torch was passed to Halverson during her brief tenure.

  11. It seems Saitta is getting overturned alot STILL. I seem to remember a few recent cases that she could not participate in because they were appeals of her rulings.

  12. I always strike Walsch

  13. "Is there a record/list of which judges in the Eighth Jud. Dist. have had the most peremptory challenges"

    There absolutely is. It's circulated internally. I'm sure you'd find a copy if you asked around of filed a FOIA. When I was a law clerk, Walsh was always waaaaay in the lead, until Jabba bellied up to the bench. It was like Walsh had 128, Halverson 160, and every other judge was between 3-40 each.

  14. I wish we could use peremptory challenges in criminal cases. Mosley's numbers are fantastic because he rarely does civil cases. He'd probably be top of the list if peremptories were allowed in all cases.

  15. Isn't mosely doing some civil now? well at least the petitions for judicial review from the forecloure mediations

  16. Oh, I'd hit it. And hit it again. Might be exciting.

  17. I always challenge Pomrenze - rude, obnoxious and no experience as a family law attorney.

  18. @6:49 Wow, you could not be more right. She is simply nasty to people in her courtroom.
