Monday, January 25, 2010

Did the Miley Matter Just Disappear?

Do any of you remember a few months ago when a Judge's attorney husband smacked her around in front of their children and then choked the family dog to death before discharging a few rounds in his backyard? Anyone?

We thought that might ring a bell. We recently received an email inquiry that we wanted to put out there and see if any of you might have the answers (because we certainly don't). Here's part of the email:
I have heard from a very close friend in the DA's office that the charges for Ed Miley will be dropped. How can a violent Domestic Abuse charge with 2 counts of child indangerment and a felony for killing a dog be dropped so quickly and quietly?
This town is fixed. Really - I have cases I am working on now with domestic abuse where the husband did 1/3 of what Ed Miley did and the DA will NOT budge on these. He is pressing charges.
So, what do you think commenters ... is the fix in? Did the charges just vanish? We'll note for the record that the State Bar website still shows that no disciplinary action has been taken against Ed/Randy. Who's got the dirt?

Ask and we shall receive ... LV Now is reporting that Miley took a plea deal last month:
According to court records, Miley received a six month suspended jail sentence. He paid a $1,000 fine and must complete domestic violence counseling and community service.
Still no word on whether Randy will face the wrath of our State Bar .... or the status of the divorce proceedings (sorry guys).


  1. Status Check 6/23/2010

  2. You see, the thing about Stefany Miley is that she's, well, an idiot.

  3. Love the picture of Job Bluth!

  4. It's GOB, not Job.


  5. Still waiting for the charges to be filed against Crawford, Hamilton Moore, Posin, etc.

    A poor person steals a pack of Newports from a convenience store and gets charged with a crime.
    A lawyer steals a half million dollars from clients and it's a "civil matter"

    There is no justice in Vegas

  6. God bless the DA for showing common sense. It's a family matter and the State has no business sticking it's fat red nose into it.

    Maybe the DA can expand the use of common sense and dismiss most of the other DV cases clogging the docket.

  7. Why don't they prosecute DV matters in Family Court? Is it because DVs are only misdos?

  8. Hey 8:36 - sounds to me like Stefany Miley is pretty smart. If you beat the shit out of your spouse and killed your dog in front of your kids, could YOUR spouse make the DV and animal cruelty charges disappear??? Randy and Stefany are smarter than most of us!

    Smart is as smart does.

  9. But 'dey killed da' dog! Da dawg!!

    If I ran a pet shelter, it would be located next to a Vietnamese restaurant.

  10. 10:00am - this is a family matter? I guess behind closed doors it is. But when he beat her, killed the dog and she had to run because she feared for her life - then it is a legal matter. Also isn't KILLING an animal a felony in this state?

    What a creep. Big strong man kills small dog and beats up his wife. Just white trash they are. I heard she already took him back. She is stupid. Next time she will be either in the hospital or the morgue.

  11. 11:09 - You don't know Stefany do you? She is as dumb as they come.
    It isn't hard to "OWE" favors. She owes the DA for this one and he will get something in return later. That simple.

    He's dumb too... want to put a wager on when it will happen again?

  12. 11:09am - The Miley's are smarter than most of us?

    Please speak only for yourself.... that one is obvious.

  13. 12:10 PM - Destroying your own property is a felony? Dang dog lovers have screwed up the law. It was his dog, he can do what he wants with it, including making dim sum out of it.


  14. 10:00 I can't believe your not getting railed on by all the female readers.

    I agree though, Ed just had to show da bitch that his pimp hand was way strong


  16. He took a plea deal. Pussy.

  17. A strong pimp hand is important.

  18. It's a good thing Ed isn't going to prison he'd be the one getting choked by all of his former clients that are in prison due to his bang up representation.

    He'd also be using his pimp hand to pull on little Randy, unless of course, he was made somebody's bitch.

  19. Check out Channel 8. Miley pleaded no contest in December.

  20. This sucks - I have a DV where it was a fight between evenly matched persons of the same sex, and the DA won't budge, and it's enhanced so it's really a gross misdo. My guy's fatal error was not complaining in his own right.

  21. This is nuts! He beat the family cocker spaniel to death by repeatedly slamming it against the wall because he was drunk and in a bad mood. He did this in front of his kid and this is a misdemeanor??? Wow - what a tough dude! This should be felony animal cruelty with a jail term. Everyone is focusing on the child and wife as they should be but a merry little dog got slaughtered because this guy was angry. Let's not forget that!

  22. The next time Judge Stephanie Miley comes up for re-election I certainly WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR HER! They are nuts!

    She has not balls.... either does he with the plea. Stand up and be a man!

  23. She's got a fantastic rack for a woman in her 40's. A little lift here and there, splendid. A nice-looking woman indeed.

  24. 11:24 - yea she looks good for a women in her 40's..........

    because she's NOT! She is in her mid 30's. (You idiot!)

    The rack... bought and paid for like a little more on her. Anyone can get that with $$$ and surgery.

    Hey - maybe she should go in for a brain transfer.... it can't hurt. She is as stupid as they come.

    And BTW he looks great for 50!

  25. I don't care what she looks like... she is dumber than rocks.

    When I come into court I want someone that can follow the flow. Know the law - she looks like a deer in headlights most of the time.

    If I want to look at women, I will go to a casino and look at the cocktail waitress or even a strip club.

    Maybe Stefany should look for another career.... I know I would support that.

  26. Texas is calling...

    they want their blonde bimbo back.

  27. to 4:09

    Maybe you're the idiot - she graduated Cal Western in '95, then failed the '95 bar, then passed the '96 bar. To be in her mid-30's now she'd have had to be 20 when she graduated law school. That can't be possible. She has to be very close to 40, if not older.

    Anyone know for sure how old she is?

    And by the way, great augmented rack notwithstanding, she is a dipship. How the he** did she get elected?

  28. To 4:32,

    Your question answers itself. How did she get ELECTED. The sheeple will elect anyone for absolutely no reason whatsoever. In the words of Winston: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

  29. Were you there? Do you really know them? Have you been friends with them for ten years? I've known them for over a decade. Glass houses, pots and kettles, people please....time to move on.

  30. "Glass houses, pots and kettles"

    Big hooters.

  31. I have known the Miley's for more than a decade, and I have had personal dealings with both, as a friend.

    I would like to make a Motion of Reconsideration, for the friendship. THEY ARE BOTH USER'S for their own personal gain.


  32. And let's not forget, before she was a worthless judge, she was a worthless attorney. And before that, she failed the bar exam.

  33. I thought I read in the paper when she was attacked by Randy she was 36 and he was 42.

    Either way, agen doesn't help either of them. They are really white trash either way.

  34. They actually had a friend for a decade?

    I met them once and didn't want anything to do with them after that.

  35. Speaking of worthless, the Rhino has fallen on hard times.

  36. waiting for the state bar to do something?! keep waiting!

  37. The SPEARMINT Rhino? Say it ain't so!

  38. What ever happened to the State Bar and Randy Miley's charges?
