Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meet Your Candidates (So Far)

Yesterday was the first day judicial candidates could file for this year's elections, here's the group of gunners who had their applications ready to turn in on day one:

Family Court
  • Bill Voy (Department A)
  • Gloria Sanchez (Department B)
  • Steve Jones (Department C)
  • Robert Teuton (Department D) (Teuton and Las Vegas attorney Michele Mercer are both being considered to fill the vacancy until the upcoming election)
  • Chuck Hoskin (Department E)
  • Bill Gonzalez (Department F)
Justice Court
  • Joseph S. Sciscento (Department 2)
  • Melissa Saragosa (Department 4)
  • Joe Bonaventure, Jr. (Department 9)
  • Melanie Andress-Tobiasson (Department 10)
  • Stanton B. Colton (Searchlight)
Newly-Created District Court Seats
  • Bruce L. Gale/Gloria Sturman (Department 26)
  • Nancy Allf (Department 27)
  • Jack Howard/Ron Israel (Department 28)
  • Susan Scann (Department 29)
  • Michael D. Davidson/Patricia "Trish" Palm/Jerry A. Wise Wiese (Department 30)
  • Phil Dabney/Joanna Kishner/Josh Kunis (Department 31)
  • Rob Bare/Donn Ianuzi (Department 32)
Newly-Created Family Court Seats
  • Vincent Ochoa (Department S)
  • Terrance Marren/Gayle Nathan (Department T)
Newly-Created Justice Court Seats
  • Suzan Baucum/Jonathan Schulman (Department 13)
  • Conrad Hafen/Bernie Zadrowski (Department 14)
Filing for judicial positions in Clark County runs through Friday, Jan. 15.

So, here's what we're thinking: Since it's nearly impossible for our readership to be familiar with every single candidate on this list (after all, hardly anyone practices in all areas of law); let's use this thread to enlighten others about the qualifications (or lack thereof) of these current/potential judges.

How about it, commenters? Penny for your thoughts on our current crop of candidates ...


  1. Donn Ianuzi = Dangerous lunatic

  2. Given the current financial situation of the state, county and city, it does not seem wise to create eleven new court seats. That's money that could be saved.

    Besides, where in the overcrowded courthouses are they going to put these new judges, and how are the DA and PD going to staff those new departments?

  3. 8:33 - what we need is more prison and jail space, more judges and TWO entrances to the courthouse.

    Nancy Allf is evil.

  4. Didn't someone mention that Sturman would've been a good choice for the federal bench in an earlier thread?

    Also, can we place odds on the perennial candidates actually winning this time around? I got Bernie at even money!

  5. Scary that an incompetent like Ron Israel has a 50/50 shot at becomming a judge. Scary.

  6. It is Jerry "Wiese", as in "weasel." Not "Wise," as in "why's this guy running?"

  7. Halverson doesn't have a fat clerk anywhere on those lists, does she?

  8. Over the years I've determined that for every 30 Judges elected/appointed to the Eighth Judicial District, maybe 1 is reasonably competent. We have had some real clowns over the years. In the mid/late 90's, there was a push to add more women and non-Mormons to the court. We ended up with dipshits like Chairez, Gates, Vega, Saitta, and Walsh. These are people serving as trial judges in a court where they have never tried a case. Shameful.

  9. When they're REALLY bad, they go from Clark County to the Supreme Court.

  10. Word is that the governor has already picked Teuton to fill the vacancy (no suprise) until the election.

    I wholeheartedly agree with 8:27 - Ianuzi is a lunatic.

  11. What none of these candidates lack is courage, and especially the ones who haven't spent years cultivating relationships through organizations like the CCBA. It takes a lot of guts to put it out there and open yourself up to being mocked by your peers.

    For those of you bad mouthing them and not running yourself, don't claim you aren't running because you earn way more than a judge and wouldn't want to take the pay cut. The fact is, even though you think you could do a better job and that everyone else is an idiot, you don't have the strength to risk losing and election and have it be confirmed that you aren't as smart, competent and well liked as you think.

    If you are going to bad mouth them, how about instead of writing simply that someone is a dangerous lunatic, make it productive and let us know exactly why you think the person would be a poor choice.

  12. Courage?? Really?? More like washed out lousy private practitioners hoping to feed at the government trough and looking for that retirement pension. Scatter in a few current government lawyers as well. Get real.

  13. I always thought Wiese was reasonably intelligent. Unlike some of the actual sitting judges I've been in front of (Saitta 10:29?)

    Phil Dabney is a very intelligent, experienced attorney.

    Marren had his shot already and got voted out. (Did he lose to Miley?)

    Jones still has a shot to get re-elected with all his well publicized shenanigans? Family law is truly the saddest place on earth.

    I wouldn't want Ron Israel to be my Judge unless we're at a wine tasting.

  14. @11:17
    It is obvious you don't know Ianuzzi. If you knew him, you would never ask why someone thinks he would be a bad choice. Very, very scary. Even on meds.

  15. People take on the job for a lot of different reasons. Someone like Miley or Saitta enjoys being invited to the good parties. Someone like Williams feels he is doing his service to the NTLA. Someone like Walsh has nowhere else to go.

    Bottom line, we almost always end up with someone who is a lightweight, has an agenda, or both. Unfortunately, there are way too many Jesse Walshes and not enough Stu Bells.

  16. I haven't been practicing long enough to run, but I am begging those who have - someone, please run against Allf. PLEASE.

  17. 1:18 PM - fear not, I have someone looking into a candidacy for me at this very moment. If I rise to challenge Ms. Allf, please put my bumpersticker on your car the days runnning up to the election.

    We shall overcome.

  18. No one has pointed out that the lesser Boneventure has never practiced law (don't tell me about the 18 months with the DA's office). This process of electing judges is so absurd.

    Further, anticipating the usual objections, I agree that any appoint and retain system would need an enormous degree of candor in order to function as intended, and the required dosage of such candor would prove fatal to the process in light of the well-established allergies to candor present in Nevada's politics or the Nevada bar.

  19. 1:31

    You should run as "Anonymous"

    It would be hilarious to see "Elect Anonymous" on billboards.

  20. Donn Ianuzi loves Nancy Allf

  21. Elect 1:31! Elect 1:31!

  22. I've got news for you folks that keep banging on Vegas judges: most of the lawyers around here are pretty weak too! Don't believe me? Go in and watch law and motion some morning. The dumb lawyers arguing to the dumb judges are downright comical.

    Honestly, why would a good lawyer want to practice in Las Vegas?

  23. 5:49 - Why not Vegas? That comment made no sense.

  24. Any smart lawyer would choose a location to practice in which he or she would be smarter than his adversaries. Like shooting fish in a barrel!

    Seriously 5:49- who's the dumb lawyer now?

  25. I agree with 8:07. Why on earth would I want to try to fight my way up to the top in a bigger city when I can get to the top easily here?

  26. Easy to get to the top here, huh, 8:19?

    What do you consider "the top?" Being the richest attorney? Making equity partner at LSC? Being king of billboard ads? President of the State Bar? An attorney featured on the news and talk shows whenever a talking head is needed? Respected judge? Being loved by all? Having a mistake-free career and winning all your trials?

    You aren't going to become or do any of those things, or any other thing that could be considered "the top." Time to re-evaluate your place in Las Vegas law, special snowflake.

  27. 9:09 PM - ouch. Are you my father?

  28. You asked, so here is my 2 cents:
    Bill Voy (Department A) - Keep, does a decent job.

    Gloria Sanchez (Department B) KEEP! KEEP! KEEP!

    Steve Jones (Department C)- Extremely intelligent, but has ethics rumors swirling. Should retire & become Sr. Judge?

    Robert Teuton (Department D) - Had a learning curve coming to Family, but worked hard & did decent job.

    Chuck Hoskin (Department E) - Keeper. Brilliant, even when I lose!

    You asked, I commented.

  29. Did Legally Unbound get laid off?

  30. Joe Jr's lack of lenghty legal experience has not prevented him from doing an excellent job as a JP.

  31. Sorry I meant lengthy.

  32. As an attorney in favor of an appointed judiciary (and also for pure entertainment value), I'm voting for Nancy Allf, Donn Ianuzi, and Josh Kunis!

  33. Conrad Hafen is a MORON!!! He charges cases based on his (and his boss') political leanings. Yeah yeah he's a Republican and so is Brian Krolicki. Days before the trial was to begin, Cortez-Masto was scheduled to throw a $1000/plate fundraiser for Krolicki's democratic opponent in the next election. Forget the fact that there is no evidence of wrong doing on Krolicki's part or the fact that he has documentation from the AG's office telling him how to handle the money at issue in this case. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest? Not so for Conrad Hafen or is crow of a boss. For Hafen, it's all about the publicity. If he can't see the conflict of interest in this GLARING case, why would we want him to have the authority to adjudicate cases? This guy wouldn't recuse himself if his kids were to appear before him!!!

    I'm not a big fan of Bernie either, he's a blithering idiot who couldn't convict Hitler in Jerusalem. But he's got to be a better choice than Hafen. Hafen likes to see his nappy mug on the news at every possible opportunity.

    I can't run against them, I haven't been in practice long enough or I'd toss my own hat into the ring.

    If no one else is going to get into this fray, VOTE FOR BERNIE!!!

  34. What's with Dianne Steele? Most of the other Family Court incumbents have filed, but her name is still absent from the list. I wonder if there's any truth to the rumor that she's going to run for the Supreme Court.

  35. Steele in the Supreme Court? REALLY? Oh, that was such a good laugh. Thank you. It's been a long day.

  36. Terrance Marren/Gayle Nathan (Department T)
    This is a difficult decision. Terry Marren is brilliant - has an excellent presence on the bench - fair, again, even when I don't win. His calendar can be late - because he gives everyone an opportunity to state their case and then has numerous questions for both the bar and litigants.

    Gayle Nathan is a hard working lawyer. She brought Potter v. Potter to the NV Supreme Court. She is a decent person.

    This one is a toss up for me. I wish they were not running against each other so I could vote for both.

  37. "Joe Jr's lack of lenghty legal experience has not prevented him from doing an excellent job as a JP"

    Are you insane? Or just Joe Jr. posting comments about himself? That dude is a complete moron. I've met houseplants with higher IQs.

    Seriously, he has no clue about the rules of evidence. Mention something like "double hearsay" or "prior bad acts" to him and all you'll get in return is the blank stare of a concussed cow. Do they not require that you take evidence at UNLV or he just that dumb?

    Aside from his absolute stupidity there's the fact only a person without character, morals, or any respect for the justice system would run to put their unqualified ass in a judge's seat because he knows the voters will think they're voting for his dad.

    So basically, he's as corrupt as he is imbecilic. Don't get me wrong the Nevada judiciary contains some psychotic clowns, but this fat fuck is more embarrassing than all of them (even Leavitt, oh yeah, I said it).

    God help me, as the first person in my family to go to law school, I still believe that the justice system should be know...justice. (Should be, not is.) This guy is just the nadir of everything wrong with this state...nepotism...stupidity...greed...that goddamned ponytail.....

  38. No doubt about the ponytail. On a similar note, Obama needs to start wearing a tie to every appearance. Since when is business casual proper dress for President of the United States of America?

    Elected public officials having unprofessional hair and dress shows immaturity, laziness and disrespect for the offices they hold and the people they serve.

  39. 10:07 PM - Amen, brotha' (or sista', as the case may be).

    Is there a way we can shame the real men and women of litigation to run for office? Just look at how one of the best and most ferocious attorney in town, Kristina "hot cakes" Pickering, ran for office, allegedly because she was mortified at the idea that Allf would become a Justice.

    If the Law is a calling and not just a license to print money, we, as the young babes in the magical woods, must unite to do something, anything, from letting it all go to waste.

  40. Teuton was re-appointed to Dept. D this past Tuesday.

  41. I just can't believe they are actually adding 7 district court departments. Many of the current judges are great and work hard, but many are also lazy and will only become lazier with a reduced case load. Do we really need this many new departments, especially considering the budget shortfall this state/county are facing??

  42. Don't know who originated the idea but I like an appointment committee. Governor appoints one member, Bar members elect two, citizens elect two. Gov. nominates, panel votes. Otherwise same term, same vacancy rules, same impeachment rules.

  43. Amber Candelaria has filed for Justice Court, but I don't think she meets the minimum qualifications. According to her bio as a State Bar Board of Governors member, she graduated from law school in 2006:
    JP candidates must have "been licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of Nevada,
    another state or the District of Columbia for not less than 5 years at any
    time preceding his or her election or appointment."

    Does anyone know anything about her?

  44. The only thing I know about her is that she can't count to FIVE!!!! as in 5 years of practice

  45. As far as I know, Amber's never actually practiced law, either. I believe, but don't know for sure tht she went straight from law school to supervising the Family Law Self Help Center over at the family court, which basically just involves giving pre-made legal forms to people and having them fill them out themselves. I think she recently became a part-time master over at the family court, but I'm not sure what qualifies her do do that either. It's pretty tacky that she's even considering running.

    It's totally Bonaventure II: Electric Boogaloo. But without the well-known dad. Just shows you that the only way to get ahead in life is to be completely without shame.

  46. Amber was Chief Judge Ritchie's law cherk and then the self-help family law center job became available and she was the only "in-house" person who applied so she got it. She has done "big projects" for the family court so her prize was to appear as part-time hearing master. (Can we say double dipping?) I hardly think being a judge's clerk for one year qualified her to run the self-help center, which requires updating the forms, assisting someone pro se litigants, etc.

    Now, she thinks she can run for JP? This is exactly what is wrong with this town. In order to get ahead, you need to be ass kissy and know the right people. Forget doing quality work or even attending a good law school. Why did I pay to go to a top tier law school when I could have saved my money, gone to UNLV, and gotten further in this town.

    ANYWAY-Teuton is kind of a dick. Jones is a decent judge, even if he is morally challenged. Sanchez is good. Weise is a pretty decent lawyer, even if he does PI. I love Marren and would not mind seeing him back on the bench full time. Don't get me started on ponytailed Bonaventure.

  47. Whoa, Amber's only significant experience was as a law clerk? Hmmm. haven't we had a candidate like that before ? How did that turn out?

  48. @1:50,

    Well, if you count like the Nevada Bar Association does to collect its dues, she's got five years.

    She graduates in 2006, and passes the bar the same year. 2006 is Year One.

    2007, 2008, 2009 are Years Two through Four. 2010, the year she is elected, is year Five.

  49. @ 6:30 p.m.

    And when (if) she takes office, that would be year six.

  50. NRS 4.010 Qualifications of justice of the peace.

    1. A person may not be a candidate for or be eligible to the office of justice of the peace unless he is a qualified elector and has never been removed or retired from any judicial office by the Commission on Judicial Discipline. For the purposes of this subsection, a person is eligible to be a candidate for the office of justice of the peace if a decision to remove or retire him from a judicial office is pending appeal before the Supreme Court or has been overturned by the Supreme Court.

    2. A justice of the peace must have a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education and:

    (a) In a county whose population is 400,000 or more, a justice of the peace in a township whose population is 100,000 or more must be an attorney who is licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of this State at the time of his election or appointment and has been licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of this State, another state or the District of Columbia for not less than 5 years at any time preceding his election or appointment.

    (b) In a county whose population is less than 400,000, a justice of the peace in a township whose population is 250,000 or more must be an attorney who is licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of this State at the time of his election or appointment and has been licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of this State, another state or the District of Columbia for not less than 5 years at any time preceding his election or appointment.

    3. Subsection 2 does not apply to any person who held the office of justice of the peace on June 30, 2001.

    [Part 2:108:1866; A 1953, 711; 1955, 459]—(NRS A 1987, 438; 1999, 94, 1347; 2005, 1212)

  51. Sounds to me like it must be 5 actual years of practice, not nevada bar dues math.

  52. Not 3 years and 3 months of actually being licensed and not 5 years of dues paid.

  53. It does not appear that she has ever practiced law with that work history. Pathetic.

  54. Yeah....well, it is an unfortunate thing that she cannot count. Five years starts with "one" after completing the first year. Otherwise we all would have driven a year earlier and year earlier.

    Seems she could be looking a this:
    NRS 293.184 Penalty for knowingly and willfully making false statement on declaration or acceptance of candidacy. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, if a person knowingly and willfully files a declaration of candidacy or acceptance of candidacy which contains a false statement:

    1. The name of the person must not appear on any ballot for the election for which he filed the declaration of candidacy or acceptance of candidacy; and

    2. The person is disqualified from entering upon the duties of the office for which he was a candidate.

    (Added to NRS by 2001, 672)

  55. So let me ask this... if a person was admitted to the Bar in 2000, is he or she eligible to run for district court judge this year? The person would actually complete 10 years by the time of the election.

  56. Conrad Hafen???? We are all f***king doomed!

  57. So...if you don't want Conrad, vote for the one who cannot count to five. That is great if your a defense attorney because your client will always have one less day/month/year to do with her calculating time.

  58. Jerry Wiese. LOL. This guy came to a Republican meeting and when confronted with the fact that he was a registered Democrat, he said he used to be a Republican but his campaign manager told him to switch to Democrat, and that he will switch back to Republican after the election. Democrat slate card, Thomas is his manager, sorry ... I want a Judge who knows who and what he is.
