Thursday, March 13, 2008

And the Lerner fun continues

Lawyers, do you doubt the impact of putting obnoxious commercials on t.v.? Well, apparently people like the Heavy Hitter's jingles and over-dramatic plot lines so much that there is a Glen Lerner support group on myspace.

But apparently, not all of the group's members are so friendly towards the 4 ft 10" Heavy Hitter. Posted on the message board is the following call for help:

From: The Monk.-
Date: Jan 14, 2008 9:30 PM
Subject: Why Glen Lerner Fucked ME.
Body: Why won't my attorney call me when I request? Not Lerner, but my
case manager? someone tell me please? Oh yeah, why was I sold on empty promises
by the recruiter? That was later FIRED? BUT the contract I signed is still
valid? Help? anyone?

Nice. "One call, that's all" to hire an unresponsive attorney.

[Thanks again to William for the tip]

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