Looks like other Nevada health clinics are soon to be sued for their reuse of needles. (Review-Jounral)
In the over-protective father category: a Carson City man threatened to kill his girlfriend if she kept smoking while pregnant. (Nevada Appeal) [seems like the cigarette companies should have that on the warning label: "Warning: smoking while pregnant may cause birth defects and can lead to death threats from your boyfriend"].
Carson City sounds like fun. In addition to the death threats, a man was arrested over the weekend for throwing a beer at his father after his dad accused him of being an alcoholic. (Nevada Appeal)
Up in Reno, Pharmaceutical giant Wyeth is appealing a $58 million judgment that one of its drugs gave three Nevada women breast cancer (Review-Journal) [ok, $58 million sounds a little high, until you read that Judge Perry cut the award the jury originally awarded: $134 million. Sounds like a risky appeal]
O.J. trial [pt 2] is delayed until September. (AP) [yawn. at this rate O.J. will have to go out and kill someone to stay relevant . . . oops, I mean (allegedly) kill someone then write a book about how he did it (hypothetically) and try to profit off his ex-murder]
A trial date has been set for former Miss Nevada Katie Rees on the charges of speeding, driving with a suspended license, operating a motor vehicle with suspended license plates, failure to produce proof of insurance and resisting a police officer. (Fox News)
In the over-protective father category: a Carson City man threatened to kill his girlfriend if she kept smoking while pregnant. (Nevada Appeal) [seems like the cigarette companies should have that on the warning label: "Warning: smoking while pregnant may cause birth defects and can lead to death threats from your boyfriend"].
Carson City sounds like fun. In addition to the death threats, a man was arrested over the weekend for throwing a beer at his father after his dad accused him of being an alcoholic. (Nevada Appeal)
Up in Reno, Pharmaceutical giant Wyeth is appealing a $58 million judgment that one of its drugs gave three Nevada women breast cancer (Review-Journal) [ok, $58 million sounds a little high, until you read that Judge Perry cut the award the jury originally awarded: $134 million. Sounds like a risky appeal]
O.J. trial [pt 2] is delayed until September. (AP) [yawn. at this rate O.J. will have to go out and kill someone to stay relevant . . . oops, I mean (allegedly) kill someone then write a book about how he did it (hypothetically) and try to profit off his ex-murder]
A trial date has been set for former Miss Nevada Katie Rees on the charges of speeding, driving with a suspended license, operating a motor vehicle with suspended license plates, failure to produce proof of insurance and resisting a police officer. (Fox News)
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