Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tort Reform

The conservative San Francisco group Pacific Research Institute ranked Nevada 36th in the nation for tort costs and litigation risks. (Review-Journal) In other words, the tort reform movement to limit jury awards for medical malpractice, products liability, and other tort claims has pretty much succeeded in Nevada.

I bet the victims of Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada are proud that the free market for medical services will not be hampered by their pesky request for compensation from having to live the rest of their lives with Hep-C. It's a shame they caught the disease from medical malpractice, but you know, Nevada voters believe the free market is more important.

Good foresight on that vote, citizens of Nevada!

On a side note, the doctor who ran Endoscopy Center, Dr. Desai, was a major force in pushing through tort reform in Nevada. Good job Dr. Desai! You protected your assets. Hope that helps you in prison.

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