Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mon-Tues Roundup

Lawsuit accuses Vegas chiropractor as fraud (Review-Journal) [another Nevada doctor running a scam? shocking]
Vegas residents gathered to let out their Endoscopy anger. (Las Vegas Sun) These residents may get their chance to challenge the doctors under oath. (Las Vegas Sun)

Rum Jungle at Mandalay Bay is being sued for an attack by its bouncers (Review-Journal)

Judge Walsh will hold a hearing on a constitutional challenge to the banking law (Review-Journal)

Juvenile sex offender laws causing problems in Family Court (Las Vegas Sun)
"The Donald" is suing a Las Vegas company over misuse of the Miss U.S.A. copyright (PR Inside)
The Washoe County D.A. says prosecutors may stop prosecuting misdemeanors due to budget cuts (Reno Gazette-Journal)

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