Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Roundup

Nevada casino operators are considering lifting the casino cell phone ban (Nevada Appeal)

The man responsible for sending the "Show and Tell" killer to prison recanted his testimony 21 yrs too late (Las Vegas Sun)

And the Endoscopy Roundup for the day:

Endoscopy settled the med mal lawsuit alleging the center's doctors failed to diagnose cancer due to a hurried colonoscopy (Las Vegas Sun).
And the news in the multiple Hep-C related cases filed against Endoscopy Center is that all of the cases will be moved before Judge Earl, who has handled several prior complex litigation matters. (Review-Journal)
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Vegas suggests a civil trial may not be enough and wants the Endoscopy culprits, including Dr. "Needles" Desai, to appear before the City Council and answer questions. (Review-Journal)

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