Thursday, April 17, 2008

Boyd Employment Woes Solved--jobs available

A debate has been raging based on yesterday's post about whether tough times are coming for newly-graduated attorneys looking for work in Vegas. Some people say Vegas firms believe law California, Arizona, and East Coast law school grads are considered before Boyd School grads looking for work. Others say Boyd School grads just aren't trying hard enough.

As of yesterday, the Boyd School grad woes are over thanks to an email from Councilman Wolfson's office:

From: Someone in Administraion
Date: Apr 16, 2008 2:31 PM
Subject: [Info] A message from Councilman Wolfson
To: boyd listserve
[I forward the message below at the request of Las Vegas City Councilman Steve Wolfson, who, as some of you know, also is a former federal and state prosecutor who now has a criminal defense practice. The Councilman is looking to address a critical need for school crossing guards in our city and seeks our assistance . . .]

Forwarded by UNLV on 04/16/2008 01:52 PM -----
Dean ******:It was great meeting with you last week. We appreciate your time. Councilman Wolfson would like to encourage any William S. Boyd School of Law student interested in earning a few extra dollars, and helping our community, to consider applying to be a school crossing guard, through Metro's Crossing Guard program.There is a great need for crossing guards at the intersections of Maryland Parkway and Twain and at Twain and Swenson. The pay is $8.91 per hour and they are guaranteed 2.5 hours per day (just a little over $22 per day) . . .

Sincerely, ****** ***** Liaison to Councilman Steve Wolfson
See. Cheer up graduating 3Ls, the opportunities to put your legal education to use are endless!

[Thanks to JL for the tip]


  1. Do I get to bill for my travel time to and from the intersection?

  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence Councilman Wolfson! What plum job will you send our way next? Copy clerk? Barista? Janitorial worker?
