Friday, April 4, 2008

Hot cars and hot benefits--Rooker Rawlins' great benefits

A while back, I posted about the leased car benefits for the partners of Vegas' top sweatshop Thorndal Armstrong (magic number of 31--yikes!). Turns out, the sweet deal of having the firm pay for your car lease once you make partner may not be all that sweet by comparison:

The smaller Vegas/UT firm of Rooker Rawlins (12 attorneys in firm/4-5 attorneys in Henderson) pays the vehicle leases of its associates 6 months after they've been with the firm.

Not a bad deal, eh? The partners at Thorndal Armstrong should be feeling a little cheated right now. Sure, they get the lease paid for, but to get to partner they had to put in a back breaking 2160 in minimum billables and they were still being paid less as associates than any other insurance defense firm in town (according to all available legal salary websites).

[Thanks to anonymous tipster for the tip]

1 comment:

  1. Come on, looks like they only have 4, maybe 5, attorneys in the LV office!
