Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dr. Needles still in U.S.

There have been rumors floating around for weeks that Dr. "Needles" Desai skipped town for India in order to avoid the numerous (and expensive) lawsuits filed against him from the Endoscopy Center Hep-C/HIV mess [and potential criminal prosecution].
But today WWL has confirmation from the Las Vegas Sun's editorial desk that Dr. Needles is still in the U.S. and rumors that he has fled are indeed merely (false) rumors. No need to worry any longer Plaintiff's attorneys, your bullseye is still in town.

My apologies to Dr. Needles for posting about the rumor and mistakenly believing that a man who had physicians spread Hep-C and HIV by reusing needles to increase his own profits [allegedly] would skip town.

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