Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reader question

UPDATE: WWL readers have confirmed that Marquis Aurbach pays $100k to start and requires 2000 minimum billables (Magic number of 50). Not bad at all M&A.

Still no word about Hutchinson Steffen. Anyone know what they start at?

From a WWL reader:

"Anyone have any insight on these Summerlin firms: Marquis Aurbach or Hutchinson Steffen?"

I'd help him/her out, but I still haven't been able to get information on starting salary at either of those firms. Any readers out there in the know? Please post a comment or email me at nevadalegal@gmail.com and I will share the info.

[thanks to VD and Annoymous(es) for the tips]


  1. Marquis and Aurbach's starting salary is $100,000 (plus a nice bonus structure).

  2. Marquis and Aurbach salary: $100k.

  3. M&A billable: 2000.
