Those in the comments were right. I just got an email confirming that SDW laid off three attorneys over the past couple of weeks. One was definitely transactional and I believe the other two were litigation.
Please correct me if I am wrong (as I know you will).
Does anyone else know more about the story? Is SDW slow? Shouldn't amazing things have happened when they brought over the legendary litigation rainmaker Dennis Haney?
Friday, January 29, 2010
The State of the Blog

Thank you, thank you. [Standing Ovation] Oh, thank you ... please be seated. Good morning. Today, in lieu of our usual open thread, I wanted to take a moment to address the current and future state of our little legal rag. [Applause]
First, I would like to thank you all for your comments. You have some great suggestions, and we are listening. [Applause]
We have been working for a couple weeks on contacting candidates for judicial office and hope to present a weekly feature sometime in the near future where everyone will be given ample opportunity to comment on each of our prospective judges. We appreciate the feedback (both good and bad), and ask that you keep it coming. [Applause]
I view this blog as belonging to the legal community, or at least those of us who are petty enough to enjoy a little schadenfreude. We on this end of the keyboard are simply conversation starters, it's really your comments that make this blog great. [Applause]
We want this to be a place where lawyers and legal staff can feel free to talk about the issues that non-lawyers have no interest in. A place where you can start an actual intellectual discussion, without facing the wrath of the crazies who inhabit the comments of our local papers. [Applause ... TFML mouthes the words "Not true"]
Also, to pull back the curtain a little bit, we are not trying to be ATL or the WSJ Law Blog. Perhaps the biggest difference between those blogs and us is that we don't get paid to do this. That, and we are working with a much smaller canvass; being strictly focused on Nevada antics. We have the same draining document-reviewing, deposition-conducting, calendar-call-attending jobs as most of you. Therefore, try to understand when we take a little break from posting when nothing interesting is going on. [Some jackoff yells: "You suck donkey balls!"]
On that point, some of the greatest stories we've done on this blog have been the result of your tips, so please keep them coming. We don't enjoy posting stories about how much Krolicki paid in legal fees any more than you enjoy reading them, but sometimes we throw something up when things are slow just to keep the conversation going. [Crickets, confused looks, same guy yells out "Liar!"]
That being said, if any of you feel that you have Nevada legal gossip chops, please send us an inquiry. We'd be happy to offer you a spot so that you may try your hand at the wonderful world that is anonymous legal blogging. [Applause]
I'm happy to provide a forum for legal discussion. I personally read every comment and email you submit. I'm just as big of a fan of this blog as you guys are ... I just happen to be the one in the driver's seat of this RV party bus.
So that, my friends, is the current State of the Blog. In summation:
- Judicial candidate posts coming soon
- We love your comments
- No hot news = no hot posts
- Your tips make this blog
- Less crazies = more better
- Now hiring
Thank you and God bless. [Applause ... fade to black]
Disembodied voice: "I'm Joe Law, and I approve this message."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
18 Down, 4982 To Go ...
Good news! Remember the approximately 5000 lawsuits that were filed back in
Krolicki's Big Legal Bill

The report, filed with the Secretary of State, shows Krolicki made six payments totaling $159,370 to the Las Vegas law firm of Wright, Stanish & Winkler in 2009.We hope so. It would suck to pay that much for just a so-so job. The report also showed that Krolicki paid $25,409 to the Carson City branch of Holland & Hard, $5,845 to the Reno law firm of Robison, Belastegui, Sharp & Low and $3,450 to the Reno firm of Bader & Ryan.
"They did a great job," he said.
That's a pretty big chunk of change to defend meritless charges. While the Indictment was dismissed without prejudice, somehow we doubt Cortez-Masto will refile.
(LV Sun)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Did the Miley Matter Just Disappear?

We thought that might ring a bell. We recently received an email inquiry that we wanted to put out there and see if any of you might have the answers (because we certainly don't). Here's part of the email:
I have heard from a very close friend in the DA's office that the charges for Ed Miley will be dropped. How can a violent Domestic Abuse charge with 2 counts of child indangerment and a felony for killing a dog be dropped so quickly and quietly?So, what do you think commenters ... is the fix in? Did the charges just vanish? We'll note for the record that the State Bar website still shows that no disciplinary action has been taken against Ed/Randy. Who's got the dirt?
This town is fixed. Really - I have cases I am working on now with domestic abuse where the husband did 1/3 of what Ed Miley did and the DA will NOT budge on these. He is pressing charges.
Ask and we shall receive ... LV Now is reporting that Miley took a plea deal last month:
According to court records, Miley received a six month suspended jail sentence. He paid a $1,000 fine and must complete domestic violence counseling and community service.Still no word on whether Randy will face the wrath of our State Bar .... or the status of the divorce proceedings (sorry guys).
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Payday Lawsuit Loans

Las Vegas Business Press has an interesting article about lawsuit financing (a.k.a. "settlement loans") and our State Bar's supposed "mixed messages" regarding the subject:
The cautious attitude on the part of some attorneys likely stems from the conflicting messages coming from the State Bar on the subject. Initially, a State Bar ethics committee opinion said the practice of Nevada lawyers' referring clients to third-party lenders was acceptable. However, the State Bar Counsel, which enforces the rules, has since come out against lawyers referring clients' to settlement lenders.These "settlement lending" agencies appear to offer nothing more than payday loans for the litigious, charging anywhere from 30% to 180% interest on the loans. One client's testimonial is just sad:
"I called a couple other places and they didn't sound good, and my lawyer referred me to (Preferred Capital)," said Renee Locke, a customer of the Las Vegas Preferred Capital Lending office.Yes, and by the time her case is done (say five years for the sake of argument) that $1,500 will be anywhere from $3,750 to $15,000 depending on the lender she chose. And what if she ultimately loses the case?
Locke spent more than 30 years as a casino dealer before being disabled by an on-the-job injury two years ago. She has been fighting for a workers compensation settlement since and scraping to get by, she said.
"I am on disability and it is hard to get banks to lend me money," Locke said. She has now taken out five loans. The former dealer also turns to payday lenders, but says her overall experience was better at Preferred.
"They were so nice to me, and they didn't try to take a lot of my money," she said. "Sometimes I'd ask for $3,000 and they'd just give me $1,500. And I don't have to pay it back until my case is done."
Las Vegas attorney Ed Bernstein tries to talk his clients out of leveraging their settlements, reasoning:
"If a client took out a loan for $20,000 on a $100,000 case, in a few years after interest and fees, the client owes $100,000," he said. "Where's the incentive to show up in court when you have to pay that $100,000 back to someone else?"Seems very telling that Ed is more concerned about his clients showing up than digging their financial graves.
What do you guys think? Are these lenders taking advantage of people who can't do the math, or are they providing a valuable service? Do you refer clients to them? Perhaps more importantly, what is the Nevada State Bar's stance on attorney referrals to these lenders?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Clark County Psycho Indicted

That man is Michael Lane, and he has just been indicted by a Clark County grand jury for the murder of his girlfriend. That's (unfortunately) nothing new ... but the manner by which he did it, that's (kind of) new .
From the LV Sun:
[Lane's girlfriend] died from strangulation, with blunt head trauma as a significant contributing factor, the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.
Her body was found cut in half and stuffed into a trash can filled with bleach, according to a police report. Authorities said they believe she died about two weeks before she was found.
Lane told police the two were meditating in her bedroom when he decided to kill her, which he did by strangling her with an electric cord after striking her with a frying pan, according to the arrest report.
Oh, but the crazy didn't stop there:
[Lane] is also charged in a separate case of attempted murder in which he allegedly solicited a transsexual male for sex on Craigslist, then tried to run the person over with the dead woman’s vehicle.
Anyone know who defense counsel is?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Meet Your Candidates (So Far)
Yesterday was the first day judicial candidates could file for this year's elections, here's the group of gunners who had their applications ready to turn in on day one:
Family Court
- Bill Voy (Department A)
- Gloria Sanchez (Department B)
- Steve Jones (Department C)
- Robert Teuton (Department D) (Teuton and Las Vegas attorney Michele Mercer are both being considered to fill the vacancy until the upcoming election)
- Chuck Hoskin (Department E)
- Bill Gonzalez (Department F)
Justice Court
- Joseph S. Sciscento (Department 2)
- Melissa Saragosa (Department 4)
- Joe Bonaventure, Jr. (Department 9)
- Melanie Andress-Tobiasson (Department 10)
- Stanton B. Colton (Searchlight)
Newly-Created District Court Seats
- Bruce L. Gale/Gloria Sturman (Department 26)
- Nancy Allf (Department 27)
- Jack Howard/Ron Israel (Department 28)
- Susan Scann (Department 29)
- Michael D. Davidson/Patricia "Trish" Palm/Jerry A.
WiseWiese (Department 30) - Phil Dabney/Joanna Kishner/Josh Kunis (Department 31)
- Rob Bare/Donn Ianuzi (Department 32)
Newly-Created Family Court Seats
- Vincent Ochoa (Department S)
- Terrance Marren/Gayle Nathan (Department T)
- Suzan Baucum/Jonathan Schulman (Department 13)
- Conrad Hafen/Bernie Zadrowski (Department 14)
So, here's what we're thinking: Since it's nearly impossible for our readership to be familiar with every single candidate on this list (after all, hardly anyone practices in all areas of law); let's use this thread to enlighten others about the qualifications (or lack thereof) of these current/potential judges.
How about it, commenters? Penny for your thoughts on our current crop of candidates ...
(LV Sun)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Shooting at Federal Court

Here's what we know ...
At approximately 8:00 AM on Monday morning Johnny Lee Wicks, a 66-year-old man, walked into the Lloyd D. George Federal Building and opened fire with a shotgun. Wicks killed 72-year-old Stan Cooper, a federal court security officer, and severely injured a 48-year-old Deputy U.S. Marshal.
The shooting started in the main foyer and continued outside. Wicks was killed across the street from the federal building. Seven U.S. Marshals and security officers were involved in the gunfire. Some witnesses say they heard between 50 to 100 shots fired.
Wicks apparently was angry about cuts to his social security benefits. May he burn in hell.
A three-block perimeter surrounding the courthouse was blocked off for much of the day. The RJC was also closed to the public for the day.
Here's a video of the incident shot by a man at the corner of Lewis Ave. and 4th St. (thanks, commenter):
Our sincere condolences go out to Mr. Cooper's family.
(LV Now)
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