Now includes the Snell & Wilmer billables explanation (confirmed by someone in office). Ok. So there have been a number of comments about how many of the top
magic number firms only have 2-3 attorneys in Vegas and shouldn't be on the list. The magic number list is to give the readers a collection of any and all salary/billable information out there about Vegas firms.
So, here is an abbreviated list of magic numbers (known by the blog) for the firms with more than 10 attorneys:
Ballard Spahr 68 ($133,000/1950 billables)
Holland & Hart 67 ($120,000/1800 billables)
Snell & Wilmer [1] 67 ($120,000/1800 billables)* -- [only 1800 billables for 1st yr]
Fennemore Craig 65 ($125,000/1925 billables)
Payne & Fears 64 ($125,000/1950 billables)
*Lewis & Roca 63 ($120,000/1900 billables)
*Lionel Sawyer 61 ($110,000/1800 billables)
Snell & Wilmer [2] 60 ($120,000/2000 billables)
* -- [billables required after 1st yr]
Hale Lane Peek 57 ($105,000/1850 billables)
Brownstein Hyatt 56 ($110,000/1950 billables)
Jones Vargas 55 ($102,000/1850 billables)
*McDonald Carano Wilson 54 ($100,000/1850 billables)
Gordon & Silver 53 ($95,000/1800 billables)
Santoro, Driggs 53 ($95,000/1800 billables)
*Kummer Kaempfer 53 ($100,000/1900 billables)
*Morris Pickering 51 ($95,000/1850 billables)
Marquis & Aurbach 50 ($100,000/2000 billables)
McCormick Barstow 46 ($80,000/1750)
Lewis Brisbois 43 ($84,000/1950 billables)
Alverson, Taylor 42 ($78,000/1840 billables)
Thorndal, Armstrong 31 ($68,000/2160 billables)
Greenberg Traurig ($112,000/ ???? billables)
Jolley Urga ($92,000/ avg of 1850 billables--no minimum listed)