Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sidebar: Dream Jobs

Once upon a time, there was a poll to rate the best firms in Las Vegas. It seems that a lot of people were not satisfied. For this Sidebar, I want to know where your dream job is. Your legal dream job, of course.

Regardless of how happy you are at your current job, what is the one firm that could call you tomorrow and you'd be willing to move without question? What is it about that firm that makes you want to work there? Is it money? Reputation? Prestige? Really close to your house?

If you are solo, would you ever want to join a firm again or are you the best boss on earth? (Do you buy you mugs that say "World's Greatest Boss?")

Also, for those with their eyes on black robes and the bench, what makes you want to be a judge? Is it the amazing power? The staff of minions? The respect and prestige? (Hmm, this sounds a lot like partnership in most firms, so what makes the difference between powerful partner and The Honorable Judge ME.)

Let's hear it in the comments.


  1. ATMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me count the ways:


    2. ID is bitchin!

    3. Hotties!

    4. Basement parties--have you seen the basement?!

    5. Tons of love from peers.

    6. The potential of owning a yacht.

    7. Etc. Etc. Etc.

  2. The Law Offices of Bel, Bivens, and Devoe

  3. I would love to join the "Won the California Powerball" team myself.

  4. No work + lots of money

  5. I want to be a judge because you get out of stuff like fighting with other moms at soccer games. I simply won't go so far as to fall asleep on the bench or make anyone rub my very ample feet.

  6. I want to work for that Campbell fellow. He sounds like a litigation bad-ass.

  7. On a more serious note, I don't know of any firm that I would jump for. There's always something bad lurking in the shadows. I want to be my own boss.

    Or retire early and move to an island and sell friendship bracelets

  8. Anon @ 12:20 p.m. WINS!!!!!!!!!

  9. Dewey, Cheatum & Howe is always a favorite--but then again, isn't that the unspoken name of every firm here in Vegas?

  10. Ultimate dream job


  11. How about the Clark County attorney for the school district? I heard that is a super easy gig.

  12. could always be a teacher?

  13. Bandini, Lambert, & Locke. They pay top of market, give you a mercedes, and pay off your student loans.

  14. My dream job, is to be the managing partner at a firm that is coming to Las Vegas to set up a local office. After working for a few firms, and a short stint of starting another firm, I have some great ideas for running a firm economically and efficiently.

  15. Lots of dumb comments on this one. Dewey Cheatum wasn't funny when I was a 1L -- 5:27, are you a runner?

    I agree with 3:49. I am at one of the bigger shops in town, and the only Vegas firm I would consider moving to is Campbell & Williams. Great trial attorneys so I am sure it would be a great learning experience.

    Dream job = hang a shingle in the Virgin Islands or Hawaii.

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  17. Dream job for me would be in house counsel for a professional sports team.

  18. Sorry, what is "ATMS"????

  19. Anon @ 10:42,

    Almost Through with this M---- Summer!

  20. A firm with no women attorneys. I am done with the poison.

    A good firm balances and rewards attorneys who excel in one of the three basics: finding, minding or grinding. Most firms I know expect you to do all three, which is ridiculous. A brilliant finder working with two excellent minders and a half dozen power-grinders, for example.

  21. If money was no an issue, chairman of the Gaming Control Board or public defender.

    Since money is an issue and I can't afford the pay cut for those jobs, I am content where I am.

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  23. Why does every post turn into an ATMS bash fest? No, I don't work there,but I don't think it's as bad as some of you make it sound. I do know many people who applied to work there during law school who were either too socially awkward or too ugly to get the job. Seemed the hot, cool kids always worked there while the dorky losers were pushed aside. I'd be willing to bet that you haters were among the rejected?

  24. I'm experienced legal support staff. My dream job is to work for only one very good, very ethical attorney who has a dynamite legal secretary & a competent file clerk.

  25. Anon @ 10:06,

    Amen to that! As a paralegal, I am constantly amazed at the number of colleagues that are, and continue to be, employed while not having a freakin' clue. It's all who you know I guess.
