Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Easy Come, Easy Go

Las Vegas attorney Mark Lobello (no, not that LoBello) was sentenced yesterday to serve 15 months in federal prison for tax evasion. From the Sun:
Between the years 1997 and 2001, Lobello earned more than $600,000 in income, but did not file federal income tax returns nor pay any federal income taxes for the those years, even though he owed the IRS more than $140,000 ...
Wait, there's more:
Lobello also attempted to conceal his income from the IRS by dealing in cash; mixing business funds with personal funds; using multiple taxpayer identification numbers; holding assets in the names of nominees; filing frivolous motions to quash IRS requests for his records; and demanding that clients withdraw IRS paperwork indicating he had earned taxable income ...
Don't worry, Mark, we hear the tax system is much easier in prison. Just make sure you bring lots of cigarettes.

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