Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O.J. Sentencing! Part Deux

Assuring that Yale and Gabe have something to argue in their Supreme Court brief, Judge Jackie Glass sentenced the four thugs who assisted Simpson & Stewart in the September 2007 robbery to probation yesterday. 

Charles Ehrlich, Charles Cashmore, Michael McClinton and Walter Alexander each pleaded guilty to reduced charges and testified for the prosecution at trial. All received suspended prison sentences and probation for their roles in the Palace Station robbery. McClinton & Alexander were the two (alleged?) gunmen. From the RJ:
When Glass announced she would give McClinton probation, victim Bruce Fromong shouted, “You’ve got to be joking me,” from the courtroom gallery. Court marshals immediately banished him from the courtroom and escorted him from the Regional Justice Center.
We were hoping for Judge Glass to pull a rope-a-dope and sentence these guys to some prison time as well, but we wouldn't dare risk "banishment" to voice our opinion. Good for you, Bruce.



  1. First off - I'm not a big O.J. fan and thought he should have gone to prison 13 years ago. BUT, I think that if O.J. and "C.J." got prison, that the actual gunmen should not have gotten off so easy and should have gotten some prison time.

    It almost makes one wonder whether the D.A. cared to serve justice or wanted to be the one that got O.J. for good. Hmmm.....

  2. I bet Hitler didn't personally kill many of the Jews. Sure you can now cry">Godwin's Law at me, but I think OJ was clearly the most culpable.

  3. oops, screwed up the html.

  4. Well - I didn't say O.J. shouldn't go to prison, he should, but if he goes, I think his tools should go too. Just like Hitler's officers did.
