Hey, remember that $700 billion dollars our representatives gave those
greedy, soulless bastards banking guys? If you have absolutely nothing to do Tuesday (and we mean
nothing), you may want to stop by UNLV and learn exactly how the government plans to piss away our tax dollars. The "expert" committee created by Congress to monitor the government's bailout of our nation's financial system will hold its first field hearing right here in Las Vegas (where else?). From the
In Las Vegas, the committee members will try to build a picture of how a community is being affected by financial distress, federal efforts so far to fix it, and also any repair efforts by local governments and community groups ...
Sounds riveting. Be there at 10:00AM sharp for what is sure to be a fascinating and productive afternoon.
I attended innumerable "useless meeting[s]" during my time at Boyd Law School. Well, at least I got credit for them. And I did come away with much improved Sudoku and Hold 'em skills. The latter is probably more valuable than the JD.