Attorney Bob Lueck ("Divorce without bloodshed" ... nice) sought leave to file a petition on behalf of the State of Nevada for a writ of quo warranto removing Judge Robert Teuton from office. While The Supremes found that Lueck lacked standing, they agreed that the judge has overstayed his welcome and actually removed him from the bench.
Teuton was appointed by Governor Gibbons in August of 2008 to fill a spot left vacant in family court. Teuton’s written commission designated the first Monday in January 2011 as its expiration date (the date the particular seat Teuton occupied was up for reelection). However, according to Justice Cherry, the Nevada Constitution says otherwise:
The legitimacy of the extended commission depends on the meaning of “next general election,” as used in the Nevada Constitution provision noted above. Thus, in resolving this issue, we address whether “next general election” means the election most immediately following the appointment or, as has been asserted, the next general election in which the vacancy may be filled in strict compliance with all election deadlines. In view of the apparent intent behind the Nevada Constitution’s “next general election” language to allow Nevada citizens to elect a new district judge as soon as possible after an office becomes vacant and to correspondingly limit the Governor’s appointment powers, we conclude that judicial vacancy appointments expire on the first Monday in January after the first general election following that appointment, without exception. Here, then, with regard to the temporary appointment at issue, the appointment expired on the first Monday in January after the November 2008 general election.That's right, the Court said "sayonara" to Mr. Teuton.
So, now that we have a vacant judicial seat in family court, we're guessing the Governor needs to appoint someone. Anyone think Gibbons has the stones to appoint Teuton again?
I think the NSC made the right decision. And I don't see why the Gov. would not re-appoint Teuton. At least Teuton has a familiarity with the cases in Dept. D.
ReplyDeleteAs for Lueck, could there be a bigger blowhard? You lost your elections. The governor is not going to appoint you, thankfully.
Does anyone that has been around a while think that Leuck is just a prick that is still bitter about getting booted from office ? ? ?
ReplyDeleteI for one think that is the case. Because, Leuck is a prick and was a terrible family court judge !
ReplyDeleteWhoever you are, you certainly know Mr. Blue-robe.
Lueck and the Nevada Supremes did the right thing. Are we governed by laws or not?
ReplyDeleteMy opinion, Leuck is a real piece of garbage. Not many lawyers in Vegas are as bad.
ReplyDeleteThe Governor was not amused by Mr.Leuck and his obvious sour grapes. Leuck has a better chance of having lunch with the Pope than ever getting appointed by this Gov.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the governor I'd just reappoint him just to piss off Leuck
ReplyDeleteI think there is a good chance of Teuton being reappointed due to familiarity and the fact that the Governor's Legal Counsel as well as the AG told him he needn't run in the November election.
ReplyDeleteI don't anything about the politics here but have a personal issue. I personally hope Teuton does not get reappointed. He made a terrible decision on my 17 month old granddaughter for her to have unsupervised overnights with her father who is not a good person. He has never spent time with her and so she comes home a mess every week crying and upset and can't tell us what is going on because she doesn't speak yet. So I am glad he's been removed. I hope the next judge is better since the case is till open. Thanks for posting!