Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone, it's that time again!

Feel free to discuss whatever you want in this thread. Previous threads are available here.


  1. Can't wait to hear what people have to say about Miley today!!

  2. Goodness. Miley, smiley. Really, there isn't anything more interesting to discuss?

    I thought the discussion regarding what the local bar is wearing in and out of court was more interesting than hearing about whether Miley was on vacation, out to lunch, taking him back, or what not.

    On another note, thinking about what the local bar - where do all the over self inflated bar members like to lunch which really just says "you only think you're important, but really you're just a pomp-ass dweeb." Where is the best place to grab a bite in downtown?

  3. @ 10:19

    I think there was already an entire thread on that subject not too long ago.

  4. However, We need Krieger to way in this time about the best places to eat.

  5. Strippers In A Box.
    What are the municipal and state violations here, if any?

    Click FOX and Channel 8.

    Or is this too soon after the Bar Exam?

  6. Strippers in a Box is a brilliant marketing idea.

    I personally don't see any problem with it traveling on the strip at limited nighttime/early morning hours.

    Alas, it will probably be short lived because as soon as there is a wardrobe malfunction or someone sue's the stripclub b/c it distracted them from driving, the financial liability will outweigh the financial benefit.

    That or the "morality police" will seek an injunction.

  7. Maybe all those whinning about not having a job should apply to be strippers in a box. Who knows, could increase their marketing base in the future (i.e. Lawyer of Love)?

  8. LU,

    False advertising, to start. Where's the dad-gum stripping?

    I only see scantily-clad dancers. Although the woman in question may actually be a stripper by trade, unless she is actually disrobing, I don't consider the title accurate. I may need to research closer, though.

  9. I second the "Research" requirement

  10. My firm has recently been interviewing people. It feels like most of the people we interviewed would be a lot better than most of the people we already have. It's amazing how in this economy, there are attorneys who don't care so much about hitting their minimum hours when the work is waiting to be done.

  11. Fox did say that most of their footage was too inappropriate to show. Maybe the research should start there.

  12. Am I missing something with Strippers in a Box? Seems like Metro can pull them over at will and cite them for seat belt violations?

  13. @1:56,

    After carefully and repeatedly reviewing the photos and video, it looks like the truck is equipped with seatbelts in the back. So she's good on the drive from Deja Vu to the Strip, when she's not shaking her moneymaker.

    Looking at NRS 484.641(6), the sealt belt requirement does not apply when the vehicle stops frequently, the speed doesn't exceed 15 mph, and the driver or the passenger frequently leaves the vehicle.

    Can't imagine what she would be doing during the frequent departures from the truck.

  14. 2:39 delivering STDs

    Straight To your Door, too

  15. Stripper in a box was genius! I bet Adam Stokes was pissed he didn't think of it first.

  16. Any word about Richard Harris trying to purchase the "Stripper in a Box" for his next marketing campaign?

  17. Gage, Awand, and Kabins are being tried together, right?

    When is that happening?

    What is going on with that?

    Who will cut a deal to become a government witness? Doctors? Lawyers? Law firm insiders?

    Will the entire personal injury bar show up in front of Federal Court again to support these three heroes?

    We love this blog, but seriously, it's become reactive on this major Vegas story - the only time we hear anything is when the RJ runs a story. We want something in-depth.

  18. Bucky was the greatest. Miss you buddy.

  19. @4:13

    I've heard the consolidated trial is supposed to begin in February.

    As for "Who will cut a deal to become a government witness?" Talk to Ben Venger and John Thalgott to see how that worked out for them. I think it is funny how the government supposedly held tax evasion charges over these doctors' head to get them to "flip," and it blew up in their faces. Rumor is Thalgott's business is WAY down lately-I don't know about Venger.

    I don't know that the blog is really "reactive" to this story. Rather, there is not much news going on with the story. Both sides just preparing for a showdown.

  20. Bucky's funeral was pretty special. Hilarious stories, genuine admiration, and a big group of the local bench and bar all gathered together to remember one of the greats.

  21. The stripper box is no more.

    We are going the way of Goldfield

  22. This is a public thank you to the Richard Harris Law Firm for making its property available as a staging area for the Veterans Day parade. Thank you Rick for honoring my request, and for honoring our veterans.

  23. Funny you should ask, 4:13

    Next Gage will flip and Awand will be f*cked.

  24. Isn't that just like the law? You prepare for a long night of intensive, hands-on research, and then something happens to render your preparations meaningless!


  25. Defense lawyers unite!

    This is funny. The Gage/Awand/Kabins case is the only case I've ever seen where defense-oriented attorneys are actually arguing that a plaintiff should have received MORE money! They are essentially contending that the $2m that Simon made was not enough, that she should have received $11m. Hillarious.

    How come everybody talks about this vast conspiracy where attorneys had doctors perform unnecessary surgeries on clients, but then nobody wants to talk about how the government's golden case has nothing to do with unnecessary surgeries? In fact, it only deals with a case in which the "victim" was admittedly happy with her attorney and the results?

    Please, somebody enlighten me.

  26. I'm sure there are a lot of uncomfortable doctors and lawyers this morning. Kabins isn't the architect of the Medical Mafia, but he is its cornerstone. If he has cut a deal, he can take down a lot of people. The only solace for the big players is that Kabins is represented by Chesnoff and his clients rarely sing. This will be interesting.

  27. Jane Morrison is just giddy in today's RJ. She'll be disappointed. The V&V and MEC attorneys who have been laughing at her for years didn't have anything to do with Melody Simon.

    Really, the US Attorney never understood what the whole Awand thing was about. Protecting doctors from malpractice suits was only a small part of it. The most heinous aspects of the arrangement probably aren't illegal. Immoral? Sure. But not illegal. Gage must feel like a dope.

    This is the beginning of the end of this story. Eglet and Vannah are safe and many others are breathing a sigh of relief.

  28. It would be surprising if Kabins does any time, loses his license, or is required to testify. The US Attorney has botched this investigation and is tying up loose ends. There'll be no more indictments.

  29. Here is a link to KNPR interview on Medical Mafia:

    Click HERE
