Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday! It's that time again, this one's all you.

Previous threads are available here.


  1. Instead of complaining about the various goings on of unethical lawyers this week, how about a discussion about how to get the Bar to enforce the rules better?

  2. Good luck with that, unless you want your fees to be raised to hire more staff to provide more oversight.

    On the other hand, a discussion regarding the best and worst holiday parties might be interesting.

  3. That's a great picture of Libo's car in a different handistall. It took me a second to figure out what it was.

  4. ^^ I think "Libo's Bentley in Handicapped Spots" will become a board 'meme'.

    There should be a contest with a prize for the best photo.

  5. Form today's Lohn L. Smith column: "BOULEVARD III: Do you suppose attorney David Chesnoff is red-faced after seeing client Dr. Mark Kabins,wisely cut a deal to cooperate with the government in the doctor-lawyer medical malpractice investigation?"

    Chesnoff's clients don't have a history of singing. Smith and Jane Ann might end up being disappointed. It's not a sure thing that Kabins will testify. The case against Kabins (at least as it now exists) doesn't seem strong enough to justify takin a deal where he has to roll. Kabins has done sume truly horrible things and is a miserable human being, but the Melodie Simons case isn't horrible enough to justify him ending hs career.

    But if he does roll, he could take down a lot of people.

  6. The Sun is reporting that someone at UMC has been leaking Injury information to a PI attorney (or attorneys). The bar needs to do an investigation and the guilty attorney or attorneys need to be disbarred!


  8. On a very light note, my husband was giving a tour of the courts to fourt graders earlier this week and one of them asked Judge Mahan if judges could wear Snuggies instead of robes.

  9. 9:23 people have been saying that for years, "Oh, X atty has doctors and nurses on the take." But you hear it about a lot of the "billboard" firms, and I've heard the same gossip repeated with different firms named as X.

  10. Here's an unfortunate picture from today's RJ. Did that guy shit himself?

  11. If Kabins cuts a deal that requires him to confirm that all that smoke was, in fact, due to the Awand fire, what will be the theme of Awand's next big party?

    Bonus points for identifying which State Court Judges will be in attendance.

  12. Was Biggar a regular at the Awand Big Bear parties? Walsh? Cherry? Loehrer? Saitta? Vega? Gibbons?

  13. @9:45, that's a shadow.

    Has anyone else had issues with Linda (Baby) Bell in Dept 7?

  14. Love the video of Awand and Vannah at Eglet's wedding. Good times.

  15. @10:19 - I've heard only realy good things about Baby Bell

  16. Sorry I have no good tidbits about my firm's holiday party, but I am wondering whether other people also dread going to theirs.

  17. Anyone else hear about this?

  18. Does anyone happen to know any status on In Re Mitchell the BK decision concerning MERS lack of standing to foreclose? I know it was appealed to the district court and they recently heard oral argument but that's all anyone seems to know....

  19. @9:27 and other related posts --

    It seems pretty coincidental that this allegation coincides with Stoke's re-entrance into the Vegas legal market.

    I've heard he pays tow-truck drivers for cases, why not E.R. admission people as well.

  20. An honest salesman:

  21. @2:19--here we go again with this Stokes bashing. The news said that this alleged privacy leaking to attorneys has been going on for the past year--well before Stokes entered the market. Get off his nuts already!

    I'm a defense attorney with no interest in the Richard Harris v. Stokes battle, but I can't seem to get over how bothered Harris seems by Stokes reemergence. Seriously, how many times is Richard (or his associates) going to turn this blog into a Stokes bashing contest? Isn't anyone tired of it besides me?

    I've had a lot of cases against Richard Harris' firm lately. Maybe if Rick and his associates worried more about their practice and less about Stokes the firm could actually be a force to reckon with in this community. Right now all I see from that firm is garbage work from garbage attorneys.

  22. I just drove past several Strokes advertising signs illegally nailed to telephone poles fighting for space with garage sales and lost puppy/kitty signs. How is that 5th Avenue upscale ad campaign coming? Way to stay classy. What an embarrasment and disgrace. Have you no shame?

  23. @10:40

    So, you're a defense attorney?

  24. the person paying the tow truck drivers was not Stokes. There was an attorney doing this and unlike most commenters I am not going to throw around peoples names with injurious allegations

  25. @4:16 -- Oh I're right. The article did say that it was an attorney, so I couldn't have been Stokes.

  26. crHow about a thread for each of the major firms in town for people to "comment" on them, the major players, hiring practices, culture, etc.?

  27. Sorry. I meant Madison Avenue, not 5th.

  28. @2:57-Funny you should mention this. I have a case with an attorney at Richard Harris Law Firm who had to go ask Rick if he could give me an extension on my InterrogatERS and my Requests for Produce (grammatically incorrect and pronounced like the carrots and corn). Plus he's handled the case like a moron, calling me at least three times in one week recently to "please talk settlement because my client is getting antsy." That firm is a defense attorney's dream! I'll take a case with them any day over the big boys in town.

  29. The problem with your thinking is that these 2nd rate firms are just a heartbeat away from a referral at the last minute to someone like Bob Vannah, who can ruin your day at the last minute. You think you have the world by the tail, and next thing you know you are up against the best trial lawyer in the state. That is especially true with Chad Golightly. That has happened to me too many times. Vannah's the defense attorney's nightmare. And, the judges love him. So, be careful thinking that you have an easy run at trial. you may get an unpleasant surprise at trial.

  30. I agree Rick Harris is not what he used to be. His Associates are lazy and way overpaid. Rick needs crack the whip and quit having his paralegals practice his associates can come in late, take long lunches, leave early and vacation at least once every two months.....

    Stokes is the least of his problems. Legal malpractice is his worry.

  31. @9:07, it's 7:22 here. Not sure how familiar you are with the Las Vegas legal community, but the last thing I anticipate happening on a Rick Harris case is a Bob Eglet or Bob Vannah stepping in to the mix. There's bad blood there.

  32. So have to change the subject a little. Was out this weekend and saw Randy and Stefany Miley. Apparently he is out of rehab.

    They were holding hands, kissing - lovy dovey stuff. So it looks like she has no backbone and is taking him back.

    I don't care about them being together, but to have to go in front of a judge that is making decisions on people in her court that can't make decent ones in her life is a concern.

    She shouldn't be on the bench.

  33. 11:09 - I'm with you. I despise work holiday parties and from the moment I get there all I can think about is how soon I can leave without looking inappropriate. One silver lining in the cloud of this economy is that I think the holiday party is a casualty of budget cuts.

  34. 5:16 PM - You should rejoice that they can overcome their problems and move on.

    Sure, she still sucks as a judge, but at least her dedication to her marriage shows she's not a quitter.
    Divorce is for losers.

    And, really, can Miley be worse than some of the other assclowns in robes?

    7:22 - no Hoiday Party? How sad. It's an unpleasant duty, kind of like high school parties. Bad enough to be locked up with the asshatters all day, now you get to "party" with them. You are cheating Hell, m'f'er, if you don't go to an office party.

  35. I love our firm's annual holiday party. Always a nice venue, no pressure to attend and no recriminations if you don't. Moot this year as they're not having one.

    My favorite "industry" holiday party every year is Eglett's.

  36. 10:53 - are you nuts? You think divorce is for losers and quitters?

    And I bet you think living with someone that beats you, in front of your children and kills your dog when he is angry is a better choice.

    But then again - she isn't getting divorced so it is OK!

  37. Unfortunately, this is the problem.
    Some women are so afraid of the stigma of divorce they stay and get beat instead of leave.

    With people like you (10:53 pm) this is why they stay. Stupid sayings like this get women or their children killed.

    She can put on her headstone: At least I wasn't a loser and got divorced.

    Feel so sorry for the kids. They didn't sign up for this and might just repeat the same when they get older.

  38. Hey 10:44, Are you a jealous competiter who can only wish you had such a successful law firm? Do you have plenty of steady work coming in the door and calling all day, every day, asking for your legal services? Are your employees worried that they will lose their job because you don't have enough work to keep them busy? Can you afford to take your employees and guests on a cruise every year, give generous bonuses even in this economy and do lots of charitable work? Are you a disgruntled former employee who lost his/her job precisely because Rick Harris fires people who don't take good care of the clients? Or do you actually work at RHLF? If you do then shame on you, both for staying in a position you don't even believe in, and for taking such a chicken shit path to bite the hand that feeds you. If you can't ride for the brand, leave and sign on with another outfit. That's what a mature, honest, ethical person would do.

  39. You guys should focus on the antics of Reza Athari, how can a man who practices only immigration law, with clients that cannot or do not have the money to pay, have so many expensive billboards? Could there be something else in the mix? Could this be something sinister?

  40. At 7:01, I agree with 10:44, and I'm none of the above. The RHLF churns crap work, whether it's frm the lazy attorneys who work there or the parlegals who clean up their messes.

  41. Libo was just seen leaving a handicapped spot in the Marquis & Aurbach parking lot. Based upon the last pleading that I saw him file, he may be using his writing ability to get the handicapped sticker.
