The plea agreement was filed under seal, but there is a hearing set on November 23rd for a pretrial conference on the matter. It appears we are about to find out just how weak/strong the government's case really is.
Jane Ann Morrison wonders if Kabins "friends" who "protected" him during his last court appearance are going to be shocked by his plea.
Somehow, we doubt it. To us, it seems like the "protection" was less about helping out a friend, and more about covering their own asses. But we just work here.
What do you guys think? Any guesses as to what Kabins will plea to? Think his "friends" will truly be "shocked" by this revelation? Think we'll get to see another parade featuring Vegas' P.I. elite?
Gage is being defiant to the end. Funny thing, he wasn't a big player in Awands's crew.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea for a WWL pole: who takes the next deal? Wo receives the next indictment?
First off, let me say that I think the whole "medical mafia" thing is is sham. Was there unethical conduct? Absolutely. Was it criminal? Nope. Should the attorneys involved be disbarred? Probably. Will they be disbarred? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteHowever, despite what I think, the heavy hand of the government is good at getting people to plead, and it has obviously worked on Kabins (whether under the threat of tax evasion charges, like Thalgott and Venger, I don't know). Kabins could do some damage. But the real threat/question is whether Kabins' plea will get Awand to plea. If Awand pleas, then the big dogs will really need to worry. However, I don't know how likely that is. I guess we'll see soon!
Tax evasion, testifying falsely (i.e. a doctor not admitting he has a financial interest in the outcome of the case), using telephone lines and the mail to further a criminal scheme are all criminal acts. If the allegations are true, then I don't understand how @9:37 can characterize them as merely unethical and not as not being criminal conduct.
ReplyDeleteHah, so this case is about tax evasion? Of course a lien doctor has a financial interest in the case-he doesn't get paid unless there is a recovery. This is stated in every lien agreement, so your contention that it was not disclosed holds no water. You're grasping at straws here. If people are falling back on tax evasion charges, all the while trumpetting unnecessary surgeries, conspiracy, etc., then there are some serious issues. You failed to identify the "criminal scheme." Again, if this scheme is the one about unnecessary surgeries, why hasn't the government alleged this?
ReplyDelete@ 10:22,
ReplyDeleteIs there a criminal statute for "unnecessary surgeries" to which the government could bring charges under?
Guess we will have to fall back on something else...like tax evasion.
ReplyDeleteCan you please direct me as to where, in the Melody Simon case, there have been ANY allegations regarding unnecessary surgeries? Even in the conspiracy charge, there are no allegations that Gage/Awand/Kabins conspired for Simon to have unnecessary surgeries. If I am mistaken, please show me.
I agree - this is winding down. The US Attorney has done a poor job and never really understood this case. There were dozens of cases better than the Simon case upon which to base this. If they were going to charge the attorneys in Awand's stable, don't you think they would have done so by now?
ReplyDeleteThis is a waste of our tax dollars and hopefully it's almost over. Not because eliminating corruption is a bad thing, but it appears that either there is no real evidence of the corruption or because the feds don't know how to frame the issues.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is, once the federal government gets the proverbial "hard on" for you they have the unlimited resources to latch on and make your life a living hell. (See, Barry Bonds)
I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteYou guys can mark my words. 1) Kabins will not spend 1 day in federal prison. 2) Kabins will have a plea that will dismiss all charges to which he pleas after a short probation (1-2 years). 3) Kabins will have to testify in the Gage trial. 4) Gage will still not be convicted despite Kabins' testimony. 5) The big guys won't sweat it until Awand pleas.
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time Chesnoff ever had a client flip? He learned at the foot of Goodman. And Goodman never represented anyone who turned.
ReplyDeleteKabins won't testify and he won't lose his license. He may have to curtail his activities in the personal injury world for a while. So he'll go from making crazy money to making very very good money. He'll end up better than Thalgott and Venger, both of whom were far less involved in the world of Awand.
I agree with 12:23 and 3:01 - the Feds screwed up this prosecution. It didn't help that the targets all hired good lawyers early in the process. It also didn't help that the mealy-mouthed State Bar Counsel is scared shitless of the targets.
I see the whole thing the same way I see O.J. One. If the prosecution, despite huge press, huge public opinion, and all the advantages of being The Man can't frame you for something (especially something you're guilty of!) then you deserve to be treated by me as someone who didn't do it. If I bump into any of these guys in person or in court, I'm going to act like they are innocent as new-born babes.
ReplyDeleteThe following is a link to an NPR interview on the Medical Mafia:
ReplyDeleteClick HERE
I heard the NPR story on the radio the other day. It was about as one sided as it could be. People tend to believe that if they say "allegedly" a few times throughout their spiel, then it comes across as unbiased-it doesn't.
ReplyDeleteThe NPR interview paints a picture of Kabins' plea as being the beginning of a new round of indictments and a crack in the conspiracy. That's certainly possible; but it seems more likely that it's the beginning of the end of an embarrassing failure by the U.S. Attorney.
ReplyDeleteSo far, all the government has addressed is the Melodie Simon case. Is that all the U.S. Attorney has? If so, this can't go much further.
if it is not going antwhere why was mr and ms e so streesed last week i was asked this by someone who did not know of the plea. dr k is rolling on the whole gang judges too. wait and see. zen master
ReplyDeleteMr. and Mrs. E have nothing to worry about. Kabins and Chesnoff would't take a deal that requires Kabis to do anything other than maybe help nail Gage and Awand. This investigation is getting smaller, not larger. The Feds and the insurance industry got what they really wanted; and that was to put Awand out of business. Mr. V and Mr./Mrs. E are fine.
ReplyDeleteWell, isn't today the day that everybody is supposed to know the plea deal? Does anybody know what happened?
ReplyDeleteKabins will plead guilty to a misdemeanor "Misprision of felony". No jail time. Thanks for playing, US Attorney, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe next time Kabins will go down for spitting on the sidewalk.