Monday, November 16, 2009

No More 'Trick-In-A-Box'

Now that the "stripper-mobile" has done its job and made national headlines, Las Vegas attorney Jay Brown, who represents Little Darlings and Déjà Vu strip clubs (wonder if he's paid in $1 bills or lap dances), has told his clients to pull the plug. Here is Brown's statement, from the LV Sun:
My client has authorized me to make it clear that due to concerns of County Commissioners Chris Giunchigliani and Steve Sisolak, and because my client wants to be a good citizen, effective immediately that truck is offline.
What's with the County Commissioner name-dropping? We can't tell if Brown's clients are bowing to the commissioners or throwing them under the bus stripper-mobile.

Perhaps the most important question is: What the hell are they going to do with that truck!? We're guessing "offline" means that next month Mayor Goodman will be using it as his Popemobile.


  1. The truck was previously used to market Dunkin Donuts and then Synlawn. Now that spineless stripclub owners and their lapdog attorney can't seem to grow a pair of nuts to fight for freedom and the future of this city, we can use the see-through cube to house a promotion for SpongeBob. That should keep the mindless meddlesome moralists happy, for now.

    If it was up to me, we'd put the iconic Vegas sign in a vat of urine and call this piece of Art: "The Future of Vegas, thanks to Sissylack and his mindless buddies on the council."

  2. I'm just waiting for the "Attorney-In-A-Box" add campaign. Who will it be in the box? Half Price? 444? The Heavy Hitter in the Box? (That sawed off little shit could fit in a real Jack in the box)

  3. Yes, 9:42 AM, the future of this city is, indeed, nearly naked women in a plexiglass box driving on our streets! What better way to ensure that our city ends up like other cesspools where "morality" is laughed at, like New Orleans.

    You have just earned yourself, the Dumb Comment of the Month™ award.

    Now, stick your head back into your internet pron and pray that the managing partner nor your clients find out how you spend your time while "billing."

  4. Ahh don't bag on 9:42 too bad. Use misogyny (cloaked of course in anti moralist drivel) to your advantage. Just think, while he's focusing on tits and ass you can be kicking his all over a courtroom!

  5. You still got to admit, that marketing strategy was genius!

  6. 12:38 should carefully whether intolerance is truly preferable to tolerance.

  7. 4:45 should remember that properly crafting a sentence is more important than hyperlinking.

  8. Hey, I had discovery to serve before 5 p.m. Still a good post.

  9. Personally I think they can fill the entire strip with tits and ass and everyone that thinks it will harm their children can move. I grew up looking at billboards with tits and g-strings on them, my kids have grown up with pictures of tits and g-strings all around them. Now and again the younger will ask about all the naked around the resort corridor and I tell her that it's just something that grown ups are doing and she shrugs her shoulders and moves on to shit that interests 8 year-olds.

    I still think the strippers should have had to sit in little seats with seat belts whenever the thing was moving though.

  10. why would anyone put g-strings on tits?

  11. Strippers and seatbelts are an inherently dangerous combination because the stripper will, by definition, remove or "strip out of" the seatbelt.

  12. I really just don't see the big deal. The girls aren't naked. Maybe they could zone then bus so it wouldn't enter into residential neighborhoods....but other than that who cares.

    This is Vegas. This city is nicknamed sin city for a reason. We don't have last call, we have strip clubs or liquor stores on almost every corner, we have slot machines in the gas stations and the airport,.....

    If you don't like it, move. Utah is packed full of values. You can go there.

  13. Are permutations of "love it or leave it" all that the 2 poles on this issue can conjure?

    Glen-in-the-Box -- that's funny.

  14. The problems with Utah is there are too many educated people there and it's just so much easier to make money here. In Vegas if you graduate from high school you're part of the top echelon of academics.

    So the sins of sin city create a double edged sword. On the one hand they make all the local retards opt for lives of parking cars, dealing cards, and taking their clothes off - leaving all the professional jobs to out-of-staters. On the other hand, they make it an armpit of a place to raise a family. But the fact that Vegas is sooo incredibly dependent on appealing to the lowest common denominator of humanity requires the otherwise civilized Las Vegas locals to accept the fact that our salaries are contingent on a bit of debauchery. Not always easy to find the balance.

  15. 1:30 has the post of the day.

    As for the strippers in a box, how is it much different than moving billboards, other than the seatbelt issue? (which I believe there is a loop hole).

    I agree that Vegas is a dump. The other day somebody put it very well when they said Vegas is America's outhouse. People come out here to shit and then go home. Every morning I wake up wishing I didn't live here. Damn this economy.

  16. Las Vegas is a great city. I've lived other places where the people are intolerant, such as Utah, and I appreciate the smut and baseness of this city because it shows that a basic premise of our republic is alive and well in this dump of a town, that is people should be allowed to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Strip club owners and their patrons should be allowed to celebrate mobile T & A without being shutdown by the morality police because a stripper riding a pole down Las Vegas Boulevard doesn't hurt anyone.

  17. How does a strippermobile not cause accidents? I think it is a hazard because I would care less about the road than the entertainment.

  18. Not America's Outhouse.

    The World's Outhouse.

    Does anyone think the Japanese whales who stay on the strip playing baccarat for millions and banging $3000/hour call girls would let this stuff happen in their home country, where their children study to be doctors and scientists?

  19. Bangkok is shittier (but at the same time way more awesome) than Vegas.

  20. All you Vegas haters can go back to L.A. or Salt Lake or wherever you came from that's better.

  21. Maybe the haters can live in Boulder City and cast their judgment from there.

  22. 7:11:

    You're right, I should have said world.

    As for all the people saying that we should "go back to Utah or LA," trust me, I will leave this shithole the very second I have an opportunity to do so. You can continue wearing your shiny shirts and driving your jacked up Hummers with Bamboozled stickers on the back window-everybody wins.


  23. Awesome how the only comparison on here for Las Vegas has been to Bangkok-that says a lot about Vegas.
