Attorney Michael Amador reportedly pulled a gun on someone in a bar on Wednesday night and was arrested. He had to be taken to the hospital before he was booked. Keep it real, G.
The LV Sun is reporting that Judge Hottie filed for divorce from Ed "Puppy Strangler" Miley on November 13 citing "incompatibility." The pictures on the right of the Sun's story will give you a little hint as to what that "incompatibility" was. We have conflicting information, however, because one of our commenters reported the following on November 22nd:
Was out this weekend and saw Randy and Stefany Miley. Apparently he is out of rehab. They were holding hands, kissing - lovy dovey stuff. So it looks like she has no backbone and is taking him back.Sing it with us: Tale as old as time ...
State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford pulled a "Libo" outside the Aviary Park in North Las Vegas and got busted by Channel 13. Here's Horsford's explanation:
I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused in inadvertently parking in an unauthorized parking space.
Inadvertently? Yeah, right. See the full story to get a feel for how big of a pussy the Senator is being over fessing up to his mistake.
Finally, Nevada Appeal is running an AP story that confirms U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has interviewed both Clark County District Judge Elissa Cadish and Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Gloria Navarro to fill the open Sandoval/Jones U.S. District Court seat.
Las Vegas attorney Kathy England said Reid's consideration of the women is in line with President Barrack Obama's emphasis on diversifying the federal bench. Okeydokey. No more penises ... got it.
Looks like we have our short list, Cadish said she expects a decision "relatively quickly."
Okay if it is ONLY between those two, than Cadish fo sho'... No contest, end of story.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that Amador was just "crush[ing] crime and mak[ing] the world safe for democracy."
Holy Type A, Batman.
Gloria Navarro, not a good lawyer. But takes lots of time off.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Republican but I recognize that the appointment will most likely be given to a Democrat. That being said I think Judge Cadish is by and far the superior choice to fill Judge Sandoval's seat. Not only would she bring serious competency and professionalism to the bench but hopefully she might be the catalyst to encouraging the federal bench to re-engage in bar association activities at the level they used to many years ago.
ReplyDeleteJust thumbed through Amador's arrest report. He was carrying a cannon -- the FN57. Same model used in the Ft. Hood shootings.
ReplyDeleteCadish. No Question. If not, state court attorneys will rejoice, federals will cry.
ReplyDeleteI was unaware the arrest report was easily accessible on the internet. When I need one it takes an act of congress to obtain an un-redacted copy, but such is life in the world of civil litigation. By the way, your bias and/or ignorance of firearms is showing through. The FN57 is not a "cannon" by any use of the term. It is an effective anti-personnel cartrige originally developed for the military and popularized by the exploits of SG-1 and other works of fantasy. Most of the time we should be thankful those with murderous intent don't understand exterior ballistics better which micht lead them to use a truly effective weapon. But, as you have access to the arrest report, please enlighten us as to the whole story, not just what type of firearm was involved.
Seriously, another coochie on the bench? The rod of justice should be wielded by folks endowed with one.
ReplyDeleteNothing against Cadish. She is the least bad of the coochies, and it's fair to say that she has more testosterone than Judge Denton and ooodles more brain power than Bixler or Cory.
We should do what they've done at times in India -- hire 2 people for each judicial opening, one based on qualification, one based on diversity. When the diversity hire is also qualified, then one of them can cover Navarro's vacations. When the qualified person is also diverse, well, everybody wins.
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase Gerry Ford, if MLK Jr. were alive, he'd be spinning in his grave.
should maintaining diversity trump finding the best possible person for the job?
ReplyDeleteAnd if so, how far should this approach be taken?
In other words, how unqualified can a sufficiently diverse candidate be before it becomes apparent that someone less diverse but more qualified should be selected?
@ 11:56
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about? I'm not biased or ignorant about firearms. I'm a life long gun owner, have a CCW, avid hunter and a member of the NRA. In fact, I fight against these idiots in the media who referred to that gun as a "cop killer" when the Ft. Hood shooting happened. Maybe you shouldn't open your mouth before you have all the facts.
As for the gun not being a cannon, I disagree. It's a big effing caliber to be your CCW weapon.
You wanna see the arrest report? Make friends with people in the DA's office. Hell, make friends with people in the media. Judging from your response to me, your charming personality will have no problem drawing new friends into your fold.
Cadish gone from 8thjd? I could get behind that.
ReplyDeleteA nice ad hominem attack should probably have been expected. Rather than be reduced to your apparent rhetorical level, I will simply address your contention that the cartridge in question is a "big effing caliber" by drawing your attention to the fact that the FN57 (5.7 X 28mm) is a relatively small and light .224 caliber round. By way of comparison, the “standard” law enforcement round for years was the .38 special (actually .357 caliber, which in the metric parlance is a 9.1 X 39). These days a police officer is more likely to be armed with a .40S&W. Many carry a .45 ACP.
ReplyDeleteThe round in question, when not used in a fully automatic firearm, is no more effective than any number of other handgun cartridges. There are neurological and physiological reasons for this (involving velocity and systemic shock), but I doubt anyone on this board particularly cares. The FN57 pistol itself is a fairly large “package,” which seems like a big gun, or “cannon.” It is not however even close to the upper end of the permissible CCW approved calibers, many of which are more deserving of the “cannon” moniker.
Finally, it is good to see that you are fighting against the knee jerk reactions of the anti-gun crowd.
Agree with 11:56. Not a cannon by any means. Although its gained some fame after the Fort Hood shootings, its really comparable to a .22 in size and recoil. With the right ammo, which was banned to the public, it has the ability to pierce some body armor. But that alone doesn't make it a "cannon." Now had he been carrying a S&W 500 or a .44 mag, then I might agree he was carrying a cannon. To be honest, I would argue that my snub nose 357 is more of a "cannon"
ReplyDeleteI think it's technical name is the Fag 57. I shudder to think some guy could play shoot the fish in the barrel at an American military base with a Fag pistol.
ReplyDeleteThen again, thanks to Bill Clinton, our soldiers are completely and totally disarmed at home.
Gun nuts. Double Yawn. Maybe Clinton disarmed the troops at home but W. could have changed that in eight years, couldn't he?
ReplyDeletewith photo, nice!
Instead of asking "who is the most qualified candidate?" they ask "who is the most qualified (insert desired minority trait here)?" When the same thought process was used in the 1800s they called that racism.
ReplyDeleteseriously? coochie?
couldn't you at least try using verbage above the 5th grade level?
5.7 mm is a ch bigger than a .22 caliber. Of course, it's a high power cartridge. Aside from frills, basic mechanical pistol design hasn't improved significantly in a century. Nothing beats an M1911 .45 for both accuracy and stopping power in a single weapon.
ReplyDeleteThis is a bit off topic, but . . . A recruiter from Ballard Spahr has contacted most of the associates in my firm's litigation department regarding openings. We have also been contacted by local recruiters for positions at unnamed firms. I also understand that Gordon & Silver is actively recruiting.
ReplyDeleteWe are a bit surprised - our litigation department has been busy but we are still hearing that the economy is making things tight.
Any thoughts on the expansion by these firms? Is the economy turning around? Are any other firms actively looking for laterals?
Suffice it to say that upon personal knowledge, Cadish and Navarro are NOT the only two people who have been interviewed for the federal judicial vacany
ReplyDelete10:44 AM - I think the best and most cautious way to describe the state of the legal economy in Las Vegas is that it has bottomed out. There are some definite signs of improvement; I'm currently looking for a Commercial Litigator, a Insurance Defense Litigator and a couple of IP attorneys, among others. By the way, the people in your firm were probably contacted by an outside recruiter; it's almost unheard of for an in house recruiter to solicit non-equity attorneys. Budgets are still very tight right now and any potential new hire has to pencil out well into the black, but yes, I think we are starting to see some improvement. For myself, this is shaping up to be an oddly lucrative year.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good one. I really like it. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGood job with the whole post. Keep up the good work!