Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Amador Gets All Thuggy

Turns out the rumors were true. Attorney Michael Amador pulled a gun on two men in the parking lot of a PT's pub on Thanksgiving morning and got himself beat up and arrested.

According to the police report, Amador followed three men out of the bar, apparently believing that one of them had taken $200 off a pool table. Amador pulled a gun from his waistband (he has had a CCW) and hit the rear window of a vehicle one of the men got into, shattering it.

The weapon Amador pulled was an FN 57, coincidentally the same weapon used in the Fort Hood massacre (see yesterday's comments for a discussion regarding whether or not this particular type of gun constitutes a "cannon").

At one point, Amador pointed the gun at the two remaining men. The two men then tackled Amador and wrestled the gun away from him, doing enough damage in the process that Amador had to be treated at Sunrise Hospital before being taken to Clark County Detention Center.

On an interesting side note, the bartender who was on duty at PT's that morning is one of Amador's clients in a pending case.

Amador is facing two counts of assault with a deadly weapon and injury to the property of another. According to LV Now, he is facing up to 12 years in prison if convicted.


  1. Okay, before everyone gets all excited, let's at least consider being reserved. For whatever Mike may have done, he's a fellow lawyer and a fellow human. This was obviously not a great decision on his part, but who among us hasn't screwed up at some time? Mike has struggled with his life and his addictions, but mostly has done a decent job of representing his clients over the years. Yes, he was over his head in Rudin - most lawyers botch a case in their career - it's just that you personal injury and insurance defense lawyers don't have to do it on television in a high-profile criminal case. Mike took on a tough case in the public eye and failed - he has succeded far more often than he has failed.

    Perhaps this will be a springboard to better things for Mike. Can we wish that for him or are we going to be the petty spoiled brats the public thinks we are? Many attorneys here succumb to the Vegas lifestyle - Mike obviously did. I for one wish him well in this ugly situation and in his future life. May he be sober and happy. There, but for the grace of God, goes any of us.

  2. At least Mike still has his mommy to stand up for him!

  3. @844

    I think it's hilarious that the "vegas lifestyle" (to which us attorneys have/will succumb) includes carrying pistols in our pants and bashing in car windows with the butt of the gun. B/c god-forbid we play pool for a few bucks.

  4. just last week i saw 3 boyd students at the gun store shooting up targets and buying handguns (that conveniently fit inside their belt). I'm not saying they've succumbed to the thugish life of vegas attorneys but who knows really. Perhaps they'll crash the PILA auctions - guns a blazen.

  5. 8:44 is sort of right. There but for the grace of God go I. He needs a little rehab and love.

    In the meantime, however, he may want to check that license to practice law at the door.

  6. @8:44 While one hopes he rights his personal ship, the bigger issue is whether the Bar will actually meaningfully patrol itself. We're officers of the court and must hold ourselves to a higher standard of conduct than the general public. The ball is squarely in the State Bar's court: let's see how they handle this one.

  7. Oh lord!

    Anonymous said,

    This was obviously not a great decision on his part, but who among us hasn't screwed up at some time?

    Give us a break.

    Lots of us dummy. Damn all of a sudden we should feel bad for people who decided to go out on Thanksgiving packing a gun and get into a barroom brawl.

  8. On the plus side,

    I believe he is now eligible for admission to the county music hall of fame.

  9. The shit that the Awand crowd of supposedly upstanding lawyers do is light years ahead of this in repugnance. It's not like Amador is encouraging his own clients to ruin themselves physically and financially only so he can enrich himself.

    The State Bar of Nevada will come down on Amador because he's now an easy target (by his own very public mistake). The State Bar can pounce and make it look like it's doing something - shooting a fish in a barrel. But the pussies at the State Bar won't touch a guy like Gage (or the other Awand lawyers). Why? Fear.

  10. I agree with both @10:32 and @9:27 the State Bar will go after and get Amador because he's low-hanging fruit but it will leave the medical mafia alone because they lack the will to do so.

  11. Amador's mugshot, even with the black eye, is better that Randy Miley's.

    Here's a thought: Maybe Amador can start banging Judge Miley.

  12. Good item, good comment discussion.

    "I used to have that problem. Now I just think about baseball."
    --Lt. Frank Drebin, Police Squad, on fears that his "big gun" would go off unexpectedly.

  13. In hindsight, Mike would agree that the $200 wasn't worth it. Let that be a lesson to us all.

  14. @112

    when you're a hustler (BAY-bee)...every dollar counts

  15. The State Bar won't do anything. It's a jobs program. He'll be placed on voluntary disability and come back in a year. Anyone else remember Bar Counsel's article in Nevada Lawyer that said essentially, "if you're like me and can't hack practicing law, you should consider a career change, like me." Great, let's all be bar counsel. A-hole.
    Does anyone else have to pay their own exorbitant dues? I've been licensed 3years and got hit with the 5-year rate, $450. I guess those two months in 2006 counted. The State won’t pay, which I guess is good for taxpayers, but bad for me!

  16. 2:54 pm - Don't be mad at the State Bar. All governmental and quasi-governmental entities eventually become nothing more than sinecures for its employees and cash cows for its beneficiaries.

    State Bar is no different than the FDA (Making Big Pharma big $$$), USDA (Big $$ for Big Beef), Defense Department (Bechtel and Black Water are but two of the billion dollar babies spawned from the military industrial complex) etc.

    Pay your dues and shut up, kind of like you do on April 15. Short on cash? Go hustle some more, bay-bee.

  17. FN 57? Does this guy have a BetaMax VCR in his house, too? Geez, get a 9mm for Chrissake.

  18. Seriously though, if I was licensed in 2006, how in the world does the bar classify me as a fifth year? Does this mean I can start holding myself out as a 5th year instead of a 4th year? I know we became lawyers because we don't like math, but that's ridiculous!

    (Good thing my firm pays my dues.)

  19. 06 07 08 09 10

    Wonder if other states will give me reciprocity now that I've got 5 years under my belt...

  20. You're a 5th year when it benefits them, and a 4th year when it benefits you.

    (that's lawyer math)

  21. 1:05,

    Don't be silly. No one gives reciprocity to Nevada, so you can rest assured your "five" years have been in vain.

    Stuck here too.

  22. Amador is the best/smartest lawyer in the world. Just ask him.

  23. There seems to be alot of of people who hide behind " Anonymous said". Man up sign your name at the end of the crap you write. I find Mike Amador to be a great friend and a great lawyer. He has defended me several times with wonderful outcomes everytime.
    Love ya Mike, your still the BEST,
    Perry O

  24. Hi Perry O........Julie O
