Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sidebar: Santa Baby

Yesterday, we aired our grievances and I was a big bad meanie with an unhealthy respect for classic comedy of the 90s. Chilling expression and everything. Since it's too hot in the gossip kitchen, I'd better turn it over to a man today.


What's on your holiday wish list this year? I'm sure some of these responses will probably be cut and paste from the spam messages that I get. (i.e., Viagra cheap rolex lady pleasure.)

But let's give it a try anyway.


  1. Peace on Earth and good will to men. Congratulations to all of the attorneys out there who are ethical and courteous.

  2. On MY holiday wish list this year?

    More paying clients.

  3. The enforcement of the NRCP the same way the FRCP are enforced 2 blocks away*.

    *And a slate of (almost) brand new competent judges willing to do so.

  4. That I would never have to sit through a 2 hour long bankruptcy calendar again for unopposed motions.


    White smoke has been detected out of the Lloyd George Courthouse.

  6. 9:56 am, be careful what you wish for. As Hamlet reminds us, "Enforce NRCP against every man as to his just deserts and who should scape being sanctioned."

  7. Looks like the Nevada Supreme Court has decided that jury questionnaires should be public knowledge, and the news media should get copies of them all.

    That's really gonna help ensure that, in the future, people are honest on their questionnaires.

  8. 1. I want to meet Troy Fox because I don't know who he is. I think I'm too old to know who he is and I want to be hip.

    2. I also want more paying clients.

    3. I want a raise.

  9. @3:15. Even more shocking to me, the Court decided intervention in a criminal case for the purpose was an appropriate procedural tool for obtaining the questionnaires.

  10. Too bad about Navarro. Cadish was a much better pick. Sorry to all my DA friends out there, but most of y'all just ain't federal judge material. Why is it so many in the DA's office think they would be great judges anyway? That kind of practice doesn't prepare you for crap. I guess I am an elitist, but I want someone with solid private practice experience and that kind of work ethic wearing the robes, not some government lawyer part time shlub.

  11. There were better choices. But they wanted someone with a vagina, preferably someone with a vagina whose ancestors ate tortillas. Poor selection.

  12. 11:43 PM - excellent.

    I fear Reid will win re-election and give us a bunch more bench coochies.

  13. If they wanted a female hispanic, why not Betsy Gonzalez? Smart, experienced, seemingly ethical. In all, a known quanitity who has experience on the bench, the preferred repoductive organs, and a hispanic surname.

  14. Navarro's comment is appalling. Anyone who's litigated against her knows she's wholly unqualified. As crass as the comment by 11:43 - to some extent it is accurate. There however are plenty of women out there who are infinitely more qualified than Navarro. Cadish, Sturman, Allf, etc. It is a sad sad day for those of us who previously held the federal judiciary in such high regard.

  15. 3:26 PM
    First, Gonzalez, despite her surname as you appear to acknowledge, is not a minority.

    Second, she seems to lean Republican.

  16. @5:34 - Did you say Allf? Are you Allf? Otherwise, I assume you are kidding. Or are you simply listing the female names that came on the recent judicial fundraiser card along with a bunch of men, and Cadish.

    Ask those who have worked along with Allf and opposing Allf. She's about as qualified as Miley.

    I do, however, agree that Cadish and Sturman are both qualified.

  17. Rumor around the RJC was that Miley was interviewing earlier this week. Do the job requirements include being able to handle Ed?

  18. Allf? Ha, that's a good joke.

  19. Miley was interviewing? For what another job she is NOT qualified for? Who would hire her with knowing her family issues - she can't handle her family how can she handle a job?

  20. Well some have been happy that Miley was out of family court...RJC can have her...

  21. What was she interviewing for? Anyone know?

  22. @11:31,

    She was conducting interviews for clerks. If she was applying for the cover shot of Boob Job Weekly, we haven't heard about it.


    Way to phrase a question so that the subject is conflated with the object. Current Clerk?

  23. 326 and 540.

    Betsy is not a minority, but married (then divorced) one. AND she is VERY Republican. Hence her appointment to the D.Ct. in the 1st place.

    Reid will never appoint her. Obama would never confirm her. But lets keep her where she is. The smartest female judge on the 8th D.Ct. bench and smarter than most of the men.

    Allf is a joke.
