Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sidebar: Welcome 2010

Another nice and easy Sidebar for your holiday season. We'll even make it a two part sidebar so that I can take the day off tomorrow.

1. What is everyone doing to celebrate New Year's Eve?
2. What are your New Year's resolutions?


  1. 1. What is everyone doing to celebrate New Year's Eve?

    A. Working.

    2. What are your New Year's resolutions?

    A. Work less.

  2. 1. Not Working

    2. Have more balance in life.

  3. Ed Miley is buying a new dog and promising not to kill this one.

  4. That's cold, 12:47.

  5. To give up reading these childish comments written obviously by young attorneys who haven't got a clue. His name is "Randy" Miley to the people who know him. The dog did not die. And those of you who think you are going to "bed" his wife are sick and delusional. There is no "medical mafia," just lawyers better, and smarter, than all of you, who kick your asses because everybody hates insurance companies, and insurance company minions, like yourselves. It is clear that most of you are the "have-nots" in our legal society, especially that slut, "Elle Woods," who appears to be some sort of "legal assistant," with way too much time on her hands. May next year be another great one for the hard working, dedicated, legal professionals, and another disaster for you insurance hacks.

  6. @4:32 - You're sweet. So we're clear, I'm a lawyer. Have been for a while. You sound like an ass. But a lot of lawyers are also asses, so that wouldn't be a surprise.

    My resolution is to spread the word the in the community that not all lawyers act like complete asses. In fact, many are really good and dedicated. I know some insurance defense lawyers and they are damn good, so it's a shame that they get a bad rep. It's also a shame that Boyd grads are considered so awful because I know quite a few that are very good.

  7. @4:32 - who pissed in your Wheaties, Bobby V? Are we a little touchy about Kabins' recent deal?

  8. Have sex with my wife every day, rain, wind or shine.

  9. @4:32 - My resolution is to stop feeding the trolls, Asshat.

    I suck at keeping resolutions.

  10. Well, 8:08, you mean the 6 month "home confinement," except for work, no cooperation, and no further prosecution? I'm no criminal lawyer, but sounds like the boys at the USA attorneys (using that term loosely) threw in the proverbial towel. You see it differently?

  11. 4:32,

    So your defense of Miley is that he severely injured the dog? Okay, he can plead to that.

    Can you state definitively that none of the lawyers on the medical mafia case ever uses the term (off the record) "medical mafia" in reference to the case? (And yes, I have a basis for asking this)

    Is it your honest impression that the people who joke about Judge Miley sit around flicking their lamps on and off, obsessing over her?

    I hope your good friend Randy keeps YOU away from the puppy, if they get one.

  12. 4:32 = Rick Harris or one of his "minions".

  13. 2:42 p.m. = Stokes or one of his "minions."

    See, other people can do that too...retard.

    ENOUGH with the Harris v. Stokes or Stokes v. Harris comments.

  14. Insurance Defense here, damn proud of it.

    It is funny though, I've learned one thing, those who work on a contingency fee basis hate insurance defense. You sell your client on a big claim worth boat loads and tack on a 20-40% "contingency fee" and when we expose the fact that your client is looser who either doesn't have a legitimate claim (despite all the "truths" they told you) or their claim is deminimus, you get all pissy because you've wasted a hundred hours for a few hundred (or if you're lucky, a couple grand) in fees.

    Don't make your problems my problems. Either find a better contingency fee area of law to practice or do a better job screening your clients.


    I'm sure Gage is really quaking in his boots now.

    The Medical Mafia is real, and so far it has been largely untouched.

  16. 8:20 AM - Gage knows no fear. In another era he'd be a tribal chief sitting on a throne made of the collected skulls of his adversaries.

  17. 8:20 - Does anyone know if it's true that Gage was disciplined in both Michigan and Texas before our State Bar licensed him in Nevada? What did Gage do in the other two states? Maybe that can be a thread.

  18. Gage is what he is and does what he does. Given an opportunity, he steals. If it serves his interests, he lies. He has no morals and truth is relative.

  19. @4:32 on Jan. 2 -

    If the medical mafia (which has existed for over 10 years now) are better lawyers, why do they spend so much money buying judges and manufacturing the facts of their cases? Seems like a waste of resources given their alleged superiority.

  20. Ah, good point. But, conversely, if you are so great, why do you obtain "IME" testimony from Brandner, Serfustini, Wang, Fish, Derek Duke, etc, etc, who always find that the treatment is always because of pre-existing conditions, even though the injured plaintiff never saw a dr in his life for these problems. Are you so stupid as to start believing that perjured testimony you put on? If you believe the testimony by the plaintiffs' drs is erroneous, why can't you convince the jury? You see, that's where you are outclassed. The funny thing is that someday you will see the light, and you will start seeing both sides of the issue. Do you know who the 2 best defense lawyers in Nevada were over the last 20 years? Bob Vannah and Robert Eglet. Interesting, don't you think?

  21. 4:32 - is that you Ed, er.... I mean Randy. Everything we read says the dog is dead. Come on Ed, I mean Randy send in a picture of the healthy dog to prove these are all lies.

    Whoever is be-friended Randy Miley, beware.... he won't be your friend too long.

  22. @ 9:36: You do realize that Rick is a big douche who is disliked by many attorneys in Las Vegas? And you do realize that he would be someone to defend this ludicrous medical mafia b.s. Don't you get it--Just because there's a negative comment about him doesn't mean Stoke (or whatever the hell his name is) wrote it. I'm so sick of hearing about Harris v. Stoke, Stoke v. Harris. NO. ONE. CARES.
