Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Open Thread

You want the open thread?!

You can't handle the open thread!


  1. Got my bonus. it was... A LOT.

  2. 3rd year associate at 22 lawyer firm. Bonus was 11k more than I thought it would be. My firm bases bonuses on profitability and business development, NOT on hours billed. My clients love me, pay on time, and don't bitch about bills. Partner at this time next year?

  3. I got a solid bonus, a leased Mercedes, and the firm paid off my student loan.

  4. TROY FOX made twice that.

  5. $25k bonus. 4 weeks of vacation starting.... now. Oh, and they hired a maid when I complained my house was dirty because I was at work so much.

  6. some of you are full of crap. name your firms, because I don't buy it!

  7. Partner moved into a new house so he gave me his old one. 12k square feet. Pool.

  8. $45k bonus, $25k raise, Vacheron Constantin watch. Partnership is great!!!

  9. My bonus was also a lot (before taxes). But it was still five figures after taxes, so I'm happy.

  10. My bonus was 10% of salary... so, 6 figure bonus.

  11. I got my bonus this year. A day off per month and a car-payment-sized pay cut.

  12. 9:39 may be the only honest person on here.

  13. I got my bonus....the partners giving their middle fingers.

  14. My bonus:
    1) a gulfstream jet
    2) the world's only hadron collider
    3) five concubines of my choosing from the support staff

    Still, I am disappointed because I'm only making 12.2 mil next year.

  15. middle fingers...really? tell them you accept. They will miss them dearly when it comes to typing, holding their crackberries, or sipping tea.

    god knows they'd never get off again without their middle fingers. Shocker!!!

  16. The managing partner is giving me my bonus right now. Oh, yes.

  17. I'm 9:24. I was honest. I worked my ass off this year and got a good bonus. It can still happen.

  18. Q: What's the difference between your bonus and your penis?

    A: Your wife will blow your bonus.

  19. When did the 12 year old punks get invited to the blog?

  20. I heard that Elle Woods' bonus this year was a hydrocolonic without the hydro part. Can anyone confirm or deny?

  21. 11:22 - you have excellent timing! The RJ reports Erin Kenney is back in town!

    She was my favorite corrupt elected official. In exchange for duffel bags of cash she would not only approve your zoning application but also toss in a hummer for no extra charge! Now that's public service.

  22. Does the State Bar make a lot of money selling my email address to all of these various local vendors and attorneys? I get far too much spam email that I know comes from the State Bar having my email address.

  23. Got a nice bonus this year. But, more significant than the $$ was legitimate acknowledgment of my performance, strengths, and appreciation for my efforts.

    Sadly, money is good, but I'm a little touchy feely, and so having an actual conversation with my boss about my performance actually means something. But, I'm not sad to get the dough either - sweet!

  24. 11:38 All the punks arrived right after Boyd started handing out law degrees.

  25. @ 1:23

    You're a douche.

  26. really 3:18? How does actually enjoying being appreciated equate being a douch?

    A sap, maybe. A twit, perhaps. A sucker, possibly. Naive, conceivably.

  27. @1:05 PM
    Last I checked the whole world has you email address at

    Change it to something like yourname - at - so people who need it can get it, but the bots on the internet can't harvest it and sell it to the spammers.

  28. "I got a solid bonus, a leased Mercedes, and the firm paid off my student loan."

    Bendini Lambert & Locke, you morons.

  29. Worst thread ever!!!

  30. @7:37,

    Bendini, Lambert and Locke only pay for BMWs, not Benzs.

    Whose the moron?

  31. @923

    The book and the movie were different. One gave him a Beemer the other a Mercedes.

  32. Patek Philipe Sky Moon Tourbillon in platinum.

  33. New Thread:

    WTF is the deal with the warrant squads kicking in the doors of single Moms for traffic warrants.

    I have had 2 female clients that retained me to quash warrants for them. Contacted both the DDA and the City Attorney for NLV along with serving the Motions.

    Both clients within 24 hours had doors banged up and were arrested.

    Constables in both cases threatened them, negotiated lower fines and referred to me as a "scumbag attorney" and a "scheister", respectively.

    One paid, one got arrested.

    WTF is going on ???

    Is it a play for revenues? Isnt there any consideration for liability for these glorified mall cops serving warrants and making arrests?

  34. Most of the warrant squad are former NLV Police who jumped ship during the last regime, not Joe Forte's. There is not much for them to do so there mission is warrant scofflaws and producing revenue for the city. They even bring a credit card machine with them.

  35. 10:13 - for a second I was overwhelmed with base emotions in response to your great fortune, then I saw your Patek is not water proof. Pfft, peasant.

  36. 10:31 AM - So, let me pose this query: Except for a few libertarian "nut jobs," who else has been saying the purpose of the State is to serve the State (and, by extension, its sinecured employee class)? How surprising it must be for you to see that when in need of money, the State will resort in a jiffy to its most basic self-preservation instincts and methods: violence.

    As the late great Murray Rothbard said, the difference between a common thief and the State is that the thief makes no pretense of legitimacy and usually strikes but once or twice; the State, on the other hand, robs you day-in and day-out while proclaiming its own moral superiority and greatness.

    You see, citizen, your poor single moms should have begged, stolen and/or borrowed the money to pay the State. Bow to the almighty, or be crushed by it. And be sure to drive the speed limit, keeping an eye out for cops who need to pass while driving 120 mph to get home to dinner.

  37. Don't feed the troll.

  38. 3th year associate, 31 man firm, got my bonus today:

    LARGE hadron collider;
    75K bonus;
    Rolex (cliche, I know;)
    65K raise;
    firm bases bonuses on profitability and business development, NOT on hours billed. My clients love me, pay on time, and don't bitch about bills. Partnership is great, suck it douches.

  39. Can't we just talk about Miley?

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