Do you go with the scented candle, the bag-o-crackers, or the old standby: the gift card? If you do give a gift card, how much? Do you give anything at all? (First person to say their gift is "another year of employment" will be crowned WWL Douche-of-the-Day).
We want to know what all you big shots are giving to that special (hopefully) lady in your life. (No offense to you men, but really - if legal secretary is where you saw your career path heading, you should have made a U-turn a long time ago).
Another month of employment?
ReplyDelete10% of my net bonus.. so $150 cold hard cash - dont spend it all in one place.
ReplyDeleteJersey of her favorite NFL player
ReplyDeleteMy secretary didn't get me anything for Boss's Day so I'm not getting her anything for the Holidays.
ReplyDeleteThe best legal assistant I ever had was a male, asshat.
ReplyDeleteI want to work for anonymous that gives $1000. I am happy with receiving $25 gift card to Wal-Mart or Target or even a food place. Anything above that is just gravy in my book. I plan not to expect anything and then it is pleasure to get a gift knowing they care. My bosses have never let me down so far and I don't expect anything less this year. I enjoy working for them and I do my best to take care of them in my work product and especially for boss's day. KARMA.
ReplyDeletei give her my salami every week, am I supposed to give her something for Christmas too?
ReplyDeletestupid thread. I give Christmas gifts to people I like, not ones I have to account for in my overhead.
Well, the way I look at it is that my secretary is one of a number of people in my office who keep me out of trouble (i.e., the runner that handles rushes for me, receptionist that deals with my crappy calls, etc.) so I try to give something modest ($10-15 box of candy, or the like) to all of them. I think everyone needs to feel appreciated. Remembering one at the expense of others only engenders resentment. Just my $0.02.
ReplyDeleteI got a piece of jewelry for each secretary in our firm (small - five women) because some of the other attorneys will get their assistants nothing and I think that sucks. Note that this is not super fancy jewelry.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future will offer a CLE for 9:34?
ReplyDeleteSeeing as I was let go this month, she's getting nothing. Previous to that, my plan was also to give her nothing due to the fact that she spends about seven hours a day on personal calls and it takes her days (!) to send faxes, etc. She must have serious blackmail material on the big boss because she should have been let go years ago.
ReplyDeleteHey, is Hillary Clinton the Administrative Assistant of State or the Secretary of State? Just checking. Administrative assistant is an assclownish way to refer to what is really a secretary. I look at "secretary" to be a word of honor, maybe that's why the Marxoid haters of all things positive and productive targeted it for elimination.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am getting my SECRETARY a $50 gift card to Walmart, a $25 Starbucks card and a Tiffany chain (tip to all, you can get some really cute stuff there fairly cheap - you can buy a nice chain for the secretary for under $150 and then grab a nice $400 necklace for the wife while there; or vice-versa, lol. I think it's the classy styles plus the way over-the-top boxing of the gift. The blue box works wonders.)
Seeing how I don't have an assistant, I suppose I'll get myself something nice to reward myself for being self-sufficient.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how wrong so many of you are. Any attorney worth their salt has a great assistant. Whether you hired your assistant or whether you were stuck with that person, you should all know by now that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, you may also be the sort that yells at court staff and then expects a favorable ruling on your case. Use some common sense people.
My secretary gets dinner at Hank's Steakhouse...without me & $500.
$50 gift card. You're welcome.
ReplyDelete10:03 - okay, but given that Stalin was a Secretary (General Secretary of the Bolshevik Party) for most of his reign, I'm not sure if Marxoid fits here.
ReplyDeleteAlso gave $1000. I would not be successful without her. I also buy her lunch once a week. I agree with the honey vs. vinegar approach.
ReplyDeleteI think that if associates are to be expected to give their assistants (whom they got stuck with) anything, then the firm should be compensating the associate for said gift.
ReplyDeleteas a partner I'd write off the gift as a business expense.
How thrifty of you scrooge. You must be a real treat to work for.
ReplyDeletebought her a time share
ReplyDeleteme thinks 12:52 is really what happens when your 9:34
ReplyDeleteAside from my wife and family, I have had a longer relationship with my assistant than virtually anyone else. We have had ups and downs but I always know she has my back and really understands what it takes to have a happy client. I tried "gifts" but I wasn't good at it so I stick to money. More in good years, less in bad years, but always 5-10% of salary.
ReplyDeleteWow!! This is the most sexist post ever. Why is okay for a woman and not a man. I unsubscribe.
ReplyDeletemoney or gift cards seem like the best ideas.
ReplyDeleteLets face it, you probably won't be very happy with anything your assistant picks out for you, what makes you think your going to be a great success at picking something for him/her.
3:48 PM - My dear, I cannot say I have ever met a woman who left her duty at home to brave the outside world and was happy for it. In an ideal world, everyone from the runners to the paralegals would be men and each would have a fine gal at home roasting a chicken in the oven while keeping an eye on the kiddies. The happiest women I know are well-kept Mrs.
ReplyDeleteDear 3:48 PM, be a rebel. Find a good man, marry him and submit. Then you can unsubscribe and profitably focus your attention on Martha Stewart's blog.
Last year I received a $750 bonus. =) This year I get nothing because the same firm couldn't wait 6 weeks for me to come back from maternity leave and let me go. I would've skipped the bonus and kept the job.
ReplyDelete8:04 is a complete idiot. I bet he is old, wrinkly and nasty. He is about 50 years behind the rest of us.
ReplyDelete10:01 AM - Actually, I am young and hot. If you met me, you'd seriously consider roasting a chicken for me. Bad news for you, another lucky gal already won the prize. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Here he is in action back in the day. Be jealous.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for 10:13's wife on many levels. I hope she undercooks the chicken and gives him food poisoning.
ReplyDelete10:34 - Dear, I recommend you read this book. It will change your life and make life better for you and your Man.
ReplyDelete10:52 you are awful!
ReplyDeleteLove, 10:34
Hey, 8:04 - I don't care if you're better looking the Hugh Jackman or Brad Pitt (or name the shiver me timber's male here)...but if you're serious, you're the ugliest individual I've crossed paths with in recent memory.
ReplyDeleteGo back to reading your fanatical religious indoctrination rhetoric. In the meanwhile, kiss my liberated ass!
And oh how I hate the ♀ lib movement...but when I hear that crap, I understand.
I'm hot and I roast a mean chicken, but I'm not his type because I earn six figures.
ReplyDeleteLove the attorney I work for but I think I want to work for anti libo. Been working my ass off but got less than what he says he gives his assistant in bad years. Way to reward hard work and loyalty 3:36
ReplyDeleteGave my assistant $500.00. Plus honesty. Told her that if firm shuts down, I will give her 1 month pay, cash. Also give unlimited time off to take care of her baby and 1/2 day off Friday's & all court holidays with pay.
ReplyDeleteWhat a progressive thinker 8:04 is. Are you a time traveller from the 50's or just a douche caveman and probably morman?
ReplyDelete105 gets douche of the day. I've worked for several Mormon bosses and they tend to be more fair, hard working, generous and honest (one exception) than othewrs I have worked for by far.
ReplyDeleteTraditional, doesn't mean sexist or oppressive. none have made me roast a chicken yet.
Traditional is a nice way to spin cave man.I guess I hit a sore spot eh? The truth hurts.
ReplyDeleteJust making a point that your religious comment (mispelled though it may be) is off the mark in my experience.
No sore spots for me. Youre the bigot.
Bigot? You must be joking? How about someone that has observed the evolution of our society for the last 50 years.
ReplyDelete@1:05, 4:40, and 7:34,
ReplyDelete8:04 is a troll, you douchey little window-monkey. Makes a comment, then sits back and watches the fur fly.
Next time, don't feed the troll.
Additionally, next time keep your remarkably uninteresting, uninformed, and bigoted off-topic comments to yourself.
1:05 -- you are a donkey.
ReplyDeleteAs a "legal secretary" for the last 24 years for the same really great attorney, I've decided that almost all of you suck, big time.
ReplyDelete8:56 PM - bla bla, go get me a cup of coffee. And, seriously, fix your hair.