Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Peek Under The Ticket-Busting Curtain

Las Vegas Business Press posted an interesting article featuring interviews with both Richard Harris and Adam Stokes (turn down the volume on your computer before you follow that Stokes link - trust us) regarding their respective ticket-busting endeavors.

According to the article, Justice Court collected $36 Million in ticket revenue in 2009. That doesn't include the revenue from Municipal Court, Henderson, North Las Vegas, etc. If you've ever wondered why we have so many ticket-busting firms - there's your answer.

Both attorneys were asked how they go about negotiating tickets for clients. Harris seems to take the more-citations-is-better approach:
"Many of these violations are in packages," Harris said. "Some motorists could be hit with several citations. They could include improper lane change, no insurance, signals -- I remember one client had seven. When we have this many, we can negotiate, and we do a good job."
Stokes, on the other hand, gave a very Stokesian answer:
"I'll go (before the judge) with a stack of 500 tickets and try to get the best deal I can for my clients," Stokes said. "If I can't, then I'll ask the judge to set all 500 cases for trial."
Riiiiiiiiight. Then the judge schedules him to return for a calendar call on April 1, 2035. This is why you never want to be in line behind Stokes on Attorney Day.

Although he refused to be interviewed, LVBP also has some interesting information about Kirk Hemlick, the owner of Ticket Terminators (you know - big cop, pink building ... "You don't want to see me in court!"). Perhaps the most interesting thing about Hemlick (to us, anyway) is that he is not an attorney.

But wait, you say, how can Hemlick own a ticket-busting firm and share profits with the attorneys he "employs" without possessing a bar number? We have no clue. If any of you know how Hemlick has managed to structure his business around NRPC 5.4, please enlighten us in the comments.


  1. The pink building ads list (in small print) Charles Odgers, who is a Nevada attorney

  2. I don't do criminal law but doesn't NV law require trials for misdemeanors to be completed within one year of the crime being charged? If so, then setting all of those for trial would do a great job of convincing the prosecutor or judge to negotiate them down to avoid their dismissal.

  3. No, one year statute of limitations on filing, but not one year to trial. 171.090 Trials can be continued for good cause. 174.515 I suppose delay may eventually create a speedy trial issue.

  4. The only time I'd want Stokes negotiating for me is if I had an overpriced law firm that I wanted to sell to Rick Harris :)

  5. Charles Odgers is a good guy and a hard working in-the-trenches attorney.

  6. odgers doesn't own the pink building. he's a contract attorney. lots of people know pink building guy is not an attorney and has gotten away with owning a law practice and giving all the consultations. every once and a while there's rumblings the bar will actually do something, but they have let him make $$$ for years now.

  7. Bar counsel is a bunch of pussies.

  8. What about Golightly being owned by a non-lawyer? That is much worse than traffic tickets. What ever happened to that case?

  9. All of these outfits piss me off. For many years I took care of these tickets as an accomodation for clients and friends. It was easy and generated repeat business and goodwill. Rest assured that the proliferation of "ticket attorneys" will eventually result in a DA crackdown that will hose everyone. Also, don't even pretend that it takes legal talent or ability to "deal" a ticket.

  10. I believe the pink house is just a referral service.


  12. Ok, different subject... but I was in court today and saw Ed Miley defending someone. He was defending them for domestic violence! Bahahahaha.... I had to laugh.

  13. The pink building advertises they have done 50k tickets.... You want proof the outfit is not owned by the attorney? Have the State Bar ask him how many he has done. The answer is that the pink building is a law firm owned by a non-lawyer and the Bar does nothing about it. Look at the title in the recorder's office.

    Also, as for anti libo @244.. What would the DA do a crackdown on? They going to take away a person's right to be represented by an attorney? Maybe you are upset because the non-lawyer in the pink building gets paid to do what you do for free. Maybe you will need to spend a bit of money out of your pocket on real advertising instead of the good will of doing free tickets. There is also a lot of good will in doing tickets for money.LOL

  14. 4:41 - LOL foul. Please reserve your LOLs for things that might cause audible laughter in someone not on copious quanitities of meds.

    This is not Facebook, after all.

  15. Oh, puh-lease create a thread for the Sandra Murphy story. 'tanks!

  16. I hope the State counterclaims for abuse of process.

    "you maliciously prosecuted me."

    "nuh-uh, you're abusing legal process because you're a felon."

  17. She's pro se - good luck Sandy.

  18. What if Ed Miley took over the Pink Building with the slogan, "I BEAT YOUR TICKETS!"

  19. Another possible Miley ad. Let me put a stranglehold on your traffic problems.

  20. Maybe 666-6666 should change his name to "The Ticket Philanderer"

  21. Re NV bar they continually prove themselveS to be useless at enforcing any level of ethics & usually find some excuse to not hold attorneys accountable for unethical actions.

  22. Dumb story. I'm seriously convinced that whomever is running this blog is somehow associated with Rick. Can you go a month without a story about his lame firm?

  23. C'mon Stokes. If you don't like it, why do you keep reading and posting?

  24. I'm not Stokes. Don't even know the guy, but if I recall correctly, he posts using his real name. Not everyone who thinks The Harris Law Firm is full of hacks has the last name Stokes. Thinking that Mr. Stokes is the only one who doesn't like YOUR firm is EXTREMELY naive of you.

  25. Hey Stokes, show me where Stokes posts under his own name...

  26. Click the link the right where it says "Half Price Lawyers" and you read the comments. Should I hold your hand, too?

  27. By the way Rick, if you are looking for a job, I'm sure Adam could use a janitor.

  28. So you're not Stokes and don't even know the guy, huh?

  29. Um, I'm not 11:43. I was just showing you where he posts under his own name. I do know Stokes. Worked for him at one point, even.

  30. So you worked for Stokes, huh?

  31. I know Stokes and I can tell you that he has no beef with Harris whatsoever. He got all his money up front...
    Stokes also posts under his own name and not anonymously.
    Anyways, it looks like Stokes is whippin the pink building and Harris so I doubt Stokes really cares..
    I would place my money on those half price lawyers over harris or the pink building any day.

  32. Hey Stokes - Like anyone is reading this thread 3 months later. You are an annoying last word freak.

    Let me save you the trouble of replying with, "I'm not Stokes. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not."
