Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

See you all at 5:30 tonight for the friends of WWL toast at Hennessey's Tavern. Don't be late!



    Ever notice how Cherry's and Saitta's signatures look similar? I think the bargain for votes Survivor-style

  2. Someone please show me an opinion where they disagreed. The crime-lovingist judges in the State.

  3. I too would like to see an opinion where those two disagreed. Saitta is Cherry's little lap dog - and they are both idiots.

    They must have some shady side-affair going on.

  4. Seriously - their other opinions set aside - what the hell was their reason for dissenting in Amber's case?

    They claim they would "reverse on the merits, and at a minimum, grant a stay." What the hell kind of legal reasoning is that!? They missed the I, R, and A in IRAC.

    Damn I wish the public cared more about our judicial elections. +1 for appointing judges.

  5. It's refreshing how people on this blog can acknowledge that people can reasonably disagree......oh wait, my mistake. Apparently anybody who disagrees with you is an adulterating idiot. Nice. Reminds me of why I hate this profession.

  6. Thinking that you meant "adultering"

  7. She meant unadulterated.

  8. @ 10:09

    I don't care if you disagree, but how about, as a sitting justice on the Nevada Supreme Court, you give me more than a one sentence conclusive statement as to why you disagreed. Especially if you know that the opinion in question is a matter of public concern. Tell me WHY 5 years does not equal 5 years.

    - 10:02

  9. 10:09am = Amber one suppose?

  10. @10:02/10:24,

    Read the last two sentences of the opinion. They needed to get the order out quickly, but promised to issue a more detailed opinion later. I would presume that Cherry and Saiita will file their opinions at that later date too.

  11. If I was a judge, I would always uphold the law, efficiency and practicality be damned. I would tell practitioners to get on the legislature or supreme court for writing crappy rules/statutes. I would be the most predictable judge in the state.

    Is this reasonable?

  12. If we had an appellate court, do you think the NSC would have more time to provide more in-depth analysis/reasoning for their decisions and/or dissents?

  13. These windy pollen filled days suck, but soon it will be time to clear sinuses with shots of tequila. I just got an email invitation to the Richard Harris party. Harris has been throwing his annual bash for about 10 years with various party themes - Cinco de Mayo, Uno de Mayo, Dos de Mayo, because it's always on the first Friday in May. The party always corresponds with the official First Friday arts district event and usually the Gay Pride parade making downtown the place to be that night for those other than prostitutes and the homeless. For some reason this year the Gay Pride parade is a week earlier, but Harris always has plenty of free alcohol and food. This year there's supposedly a hot D.J. who changes her name after midnight. As with last year, this year's invitation says there will be a psychic - perhaps to predict the outcome of the endoscopy center trial. This year's party also comes just after the February bar results making it timely to celebrate or consume away the despair. Along with the new admittees, I love the old guys bragging about what incredible amounts of money they were taking home before alimony and child support. Anyway, the Richard Harris party is the traditional kick-off to the summer season. Maybe this year, there'll be a dunk tank for the judges.

  14. 7:41 PM = ?

    A) Richard Harris employee
    B) Richard Harris
    C) Adam Stokes advertising a party that doesn't exist
    D) Troy Fox

  15. @ 7:41

    I heard that Harris is trying to out-do Craig Kenny and is buying enough booze for all of Las Vegas to imbibe and be merry and gay.

  16. Wow with all this talk about drinking it reminds me of my ex's face book page.

  17. Hey, how does one get an invite to the Harris party?

  18. It's always been a free-for-all, like the Craig Kenny one.

  19. What date & time?

  20. 7:41 = Richard Harris employee. No one else cares. I went a few years ago and was one of 10 people there. More booze for me, but a snoozefest nonetheless. Definitely can't compare to CPK's party.

  21. @ 6:51

    See @ 8:10

    But thanks for pointing that out again Captain Obvious.

  22. @ 6:51

    The asshat who arrives an hour before the party starts then complains about the lack of attendance.

  23. Take note of Hafter's attempt to de-rail the Bar's investigation of him, just in case you ever find yourself under investigation by....Hafter.

    What an Asshat.


  25. @ 9:57
    That is classic Hafter. Dude knows how to grandstand as well as anyone in the political arena. Lots of energy but, IMHO, poor judgment prevents it from being properly utilized. He tends to piss off a lot of people, which will eventually catch up with him.
