Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Here are a some updates to recent posts:


  1. Amber, thanks for wasting the Supreme Court's time. There are REAL cases waiting for decision but your MASIVE EGO demands a quick review of your petty crapp. Piss off.

  2. Wow, kill a gal, get raw with a tranny, then try to kill said tranny with previous victim's suv. And I though I'd had some wild weekends in Vegas!

  3. Well, it appears that Amber achieved notoriety through her stunt of running of judge. At least people know who she is, on this blog at least, unlike Mr. Troy Fox (please no more Troy Fox's dead and overdone).

  4. Amber is the demon spawn of Halverson and Miley. Her hubris combined with the moronic local electorate will propel her. She will be a judge in Clark County someday, possibly soon. Be afraid; be very afraid.

  5. Even if Amber makes it to the District Court, her presence alone isn't going to lower the quality of the bench. Is there an area of incompetence left by which she could distinguish herself?

    The 8th Judicial District Court already has judges who have never tried a case, don't know the law, won't make decisions (hello Mark!), the Halverson Incidient, etc.

    So what is left for Amber (aka Tracy Flick) to be bad at? I'm sure the faithful readers can offer her some suggestions...

  6. Don't forget the biggest dimwit of them all: Mosley. He's never represented a client, never had to prepare a case for trial, and from what I can tell has never read a case. I don't think he's learned a single thing in his two decades on the bench.

  7. @10:33,
    I only understood half of the words you used but I agree totally ;)

  8. Gotta love a Tracy Flick reference. But You're giving Amber too much credit. Tracy Flick was smart. Amber's kind of, well, dumb.

    I agree with 10:33 AM that it is inevitable that she'll be a judge. She has all the makings of a Clark County jurist.

  9. I went to law school with Amber and she is far from dumb. She is actually quite intelligent. I have a feeling that most people who are posting these comments have never met Amber.

    I don't believe Amber will win her appeal; however, I hope she runs in the future. Amber has my vote.

  10. @ 12:45 PM

    You must be "jealous" of Mosley, who has been a judge for 3 decades.

  11. Actually, I have met Amber. I think she's the legal equivalent of a social climber. A person who always has time to kiss up, but doesn't have time for anybody who she doesn't think will help her advance. I think she only wants to be a judge because it will make her somebody important and not because she actually cares about the law or the legal system.

    And I don't think she's unqualified because she's dumb. I think she's unqualified because she's never practiced. And I think that running for a judgeship that she isn't even remotely qualified for speaks poorly of her character and to a fundamental lack of respect for justice and the legal system. Silly me, but that's not the sort of person I want as a judge, regardless of the other cretins who sit on the bench.

    So 3:56, we're not all "jus jellus" of Amber. You, however, are dumb for making such a stupid argument. I hope you do better than that in court. So in conclusion, bite me, 3:49.

  12. 4:32 nailed it. She is also on the State Bar's Board of Governors, which is a bit ridiculous for a 2006 grad.

  13. @4:32, I don't think anyone could have said it better.
    Hopefully, people who actually practice law are taking notes of her crazy early on.

  14. 4:32 PM - Amen brotha' (or sista'). The bench and bar are full of such filth.

  15. to all, see joe bonaventure jr. (iii?) who by most accounts has proven most wrong. Some people want the prestige more than the money

  16. Little B was a DA for a year, right? At least he did some misdo trials, or SOMETHING. Regardless, I know them both and Amber is a relentless bitch aside from her stupidity and total lack of integrity.

  17. This was hilarious:

    "You, however, are dumb for making such a stupid argument. I hope you do better than that in court. So in conclusion, bite me, 3:49."

    Sounds like dumb arguing dumb. Is your court strategy to go in and say "your honor, in conclusion, plaintiff/defendant can bite me." I hope you do better than that in court.

    I do find it pretty funny how obsessed people are with the whole Amber whatever thing. This was another funny line:

    "I think she only wants to be a judge because it will make her somebody important"

    That's rich. A Clark County district court is somebody "important." Good hell, I can't wait until the day I leave this cow town. The laughing stock of the United States. We are the country's proverbial outhouse, and it shows.

  18. If she is suing to somehow qualify for a position that she is not qualified for both on technical and practical grounds, she looks like a complete fool.

  19. The sad part is that if Amber gets put back on the ballot she could actually win. I don't think the Supremes will agree with her argument but if they do and place her on the ballot she has a shot at getting elected. Her name puts her at the top (letter C) and her gender gives her an advantage with voters. As bad as the elective system is, it is gender biased, it is biased in favor of those who raise and or spend money, and it is
    based on name recognition, I would rather have a system where a judge can be removed by the voters. Remember the voters voted out Halverson before the Judicial Discipline Commission did.

  20. 12:05, I guess the tongue in cheek irony part of the "bite me" bit escaped you

  21. Piggybacking off of the ATL thread, there was a 55% offer rate for Vegas NALP firms (12/22).


  22. If I hear one more person (much less a NV attorney) refer to Clark County as the country's "outhouse" I am going to scream. 12:05 - LEAVE. If you are that great, go back to your hometown of, let me guess, SALT LAKE CITY, and make something of yourself.

  23. Clark County is the country's outhouse.

  24. Clark County is the country's outhouse as compared to what - Rigby, Idaho, Big towns attract big ego's with little, well - legal aptitude.

    Yet, it's simply a matter of scale. Bigger the town, the larger number of Lerners & Golightlys. However, I've seen some damn fine lawyering in this town. (by at least two different atty's)

  25. "I've seen some damn fine lawyering in this town (at least by two diff attys)"

    Well blow me down..... we have two whole attys in this town that can do their job. Call the natl guard, start a parade - WE HAVE TWO attys
    that have passed the bar that should have passed.

    Wooo Hooo!

    As usual, disgraceful. Nevada gets the cream of the crop!

  26. You meant:

    Cream of the CRAP?


  27. 9:10 -

    Clark County is the country's outhouse.

    Clark County is the country's outhouse.

    Clark County is the country's outhouse.

    (I just like to hear you scream!)

  28. April 6 @ 9:39 you really need to check your sarcasm meter, it aint working....didn't think that needed explaining. I'll put a "LOL" next to it next time. By the way, those who have such a negative opinion of NV law, you do realize that you, too are part of the problem? You suck! So, what ya gonna do about it?
