Duensing, who is represented by attorney Mace Yampolsky, still faces several felony counts in connection with the incident. Mace argued that the Officer Gilbert should have used pepper spray instead of the Taser. (Not really)
From the RJ:
Police said Duensing was Tased after his vehicle was stopped . They said he was shot after he reached toward his front right pocket for a .45-caliber handgun. Police also said Duensing reached for a folding knife.In our opinion, it's never a good sign when you have to start a sentence with "according to my client ... "
Yampolsky said he is stunned that his client, who three times unsuccessfully ran for Congress on the Libertarian ticket against Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley, was shot after a traffic stop.
"He's a practicing lawyer who committed a traffic offense," Yampolsky said.
Yampolsky denies Duensing ever reached for a weapon while fleeing from police.
"According to my client, he did not," Yampolsky said.
If you recall the story, Ray claimed that he was able to remove the Taser barbs from his chest with his bare hands, fearing that the shock may affect his heart condition. That's hard to believe:
It's difficult to tell from that photo, but Ray doesn't look like he's in better shape than Mr. Cage Fighter who's writhing in the fetal position up there. We're going to need to see him pull off this feat in person before we're convinced.
everytime I read something on this case the song "I fought the law and the law won" keeps popping into my head.
ReplyDelete"Mace argued that the Officer Gilbert should have used pepper spray . . . ."
ReplyDeleteThat's clever. Thanks for the laugh.
everytime I read something on this case the Dawson's Creek theme song keeps popping into my head.
ReplyDeleteWe must keep in mind that this lawyer was shot three times fleeing from a traffic stop where he had misdemeanor warrants! However, what is interesting is the review board which has police officers on it found for the police in this instance. Stupidity should not be the cause of being shot three times after being tased! Yes, I know he was packing which will ultimately work against him because they will say he was reaching for his gun and he had a gun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the insight! There is a lot of helpful information within those links.
ReplyDeleteDUI Attorney
everytime I read something on this case the Coke and a Smile theme song keeps popping into my head.
ReplyDeleteThe video looks fake. Did you notice his turning sideways and hunching over to break his fall. Every taser hit I've seen is simply "fall where you stand". Also, with no clothing, the barbs can go in deep so I hope they modified it a little. However also I didn't see the confetti as the guy was shot. The confetti has micro code ID for make and model,etc. so that someone abusing the taser can be traced