Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday!

It's been great partying with you guys over the past couple weeks. This week, we're going to class it up a bit. See you all at Triple George for cocktails and steaks at 6.


  1. Happy Friday. Cheers and be careful as those Leandra's Laws are starting to take hold in various state including ours.

  2. Wondering if the arrogant pricks in black robes at the RJC have any clue that we're in an economic crisis. While every other government agency is slashing its budget, the courthouse seems immune: judges holding court in the evenings and on weekends - causing massive overtime expenses; over a dozen judges attending a seminar in Florida; new courtrooms being built because judges refuse to share the existing ones that are often empty; marshals spending money on fancy equipment they'll never need, etc. It's time for the judges to share the financial burden -- the County needs to take away the perks and demand some accountability. It would be nice if the newspapers did an open records request and exposed how much waste goes on in that place.

  3. Judges holding court in the evenings and on weekends? Really? I can't even find them holding court in the afternoon Monday through Friday!

  4. Does anyone know about an attorney or some attorneys leaving Morris Purdy?

  5. The only time Judges hold court on evenings, no Judge I know holds court on the weekend, is when their calendar is so overburdened that they need to clean it up. Would you rather have your case heard a year from now or would you rather have a Judge hold a couple of night court sessions and have your case heard in six months? I hate "litigation" attorneys who never go to court and run their mouths.

  6. I seriously doubt 9:52 is in any way associated with the practice of law (legally anyway), to make a statement like that.

    And 10:40 needs to pull that arrogance stick out of their ass, but way to fall for the 9:52 troll.

  7. The only instance of a judge having court on the weekend that I'm aware of was Judge Leavitt, and that was just a few weeks back. She was in a trial, the jury got the case late Friday, and several members of the jury were graduate students on spring break who, if they missed too many school days, would be dropped from their programs. So the court convened on Saturday, the jury deliberated, and came back with a verdict that same day. The jury was discharged, and everyone (except the defendant) went home.

  8. 9:52 here. My office has at least a dozen trials a year. Leavitt constantly runs late into the evening and has had court on Saturdays several times. Other judges often run past 5. Washoe County stops court at 4:30 so all clerks can get off without overtime. And the judges can whine all they want about their huge calendars, but so long as they've got time for junkets to Florida and weeks upon weeks of vacation time (hello Judge Miley, that's you), they should have time to finish their normal calendards. A few of them give an honest days work - but many don't and they still act like primma donnas with their spending.

  9. @9:33

    What "ours" are you talking about? You practice in NY, are not barred in Nevada, and are only commenting here in order to try to increase SEO, boosting your google rank.

    Plus, your comment has absolutely nothing to do with Nevada. Leandra's law was an inane NY attempt to stiffen the penalties on DUI. No such law exists in Nevada, nor has it been proposed, nor does we need it.

    GTFO, or post with a profile instead of a link to your website next time.

  10. Night Court? I LOVED that show.

  11. 9:52 AM - what??? They closed the south entrance but can come up with cash for this crap?? Time for a revolution. Grab your muskets!

    (Kidding. Please: no black helicopters over the office today.)

  12. As a young lawyer, every time I read the comments on ATL I leave the site hating myself a little for choosing to practice law. In contrast, while there are plenty of asshats, I find the comments on WWL to be generally good, often informative, and mostly to the point. I don't leave this site wanting to kill all the lawyers, or myself.

    What I'm trying to say is, sure, practicing law in Nevada is pretty nutty sometimes, and the antics of our fellow members of the bar can be outrageous, but I don't think I'd trade this bar for one like NY, where every Esq. seems to be the world's biggest, self-inflated dickhead.

    This post has nothing to do with the previous ones today, I just thought I'd take advantage of the open thread and say that, despite everything, LV is a pretty good place to practice law. I'm sure Reno is too.

    Anyway, back to work you assclowns.

  13. Okay, I have an actualy question, that y'all may be qualified to answer.

    I'm writing a reply brief for a NV Supreme Court case right now. Opposing counsel has only provided cites for about half of the factual assertions he makes. (Usually, because he's wildly mischaracterizing what the record actually says.)

    Is this something the NV Supremes will actually care about? Will they call him on this? Or am I just wasting my time putting in pin cites to everything in the record, cases, etc, when I could just be making shit up?

  14. to 4:43:

    You might as well flip a coin b/c each judge will treat your citing/failure-to-cite differently.

    But look at it this way. Which would you feel worse about:

    A) you cite to every little thing, but lose; or
    B) you include no cites, make stuff up, and lose.

    Choose wisely, because down the road, your the one that will be held accountable for, and need to explain why you did/didn't do something.

  15. Thanks, 5:05.

    I do always provide cites, and I wouldn't seriously think about not providing them.

    It's just frustrating dealing with an oc who doesn't cite to anything in the record, and is pretty much wildly inaccurate in his claims. I'd just like to hope that the SC will take note that everything I claim is true is verified in the record, and most of what he claims is not.

    I'd like to think they notice the difference, you know? But apparently, that's a pipe dream.

  16. Hey 4:43- there are many senior members of the bar who came up many of the supremes.... if that's the case, you will lose no matter what. Our "Supreme" court is result oriented and law / facts are seldom deciding factors.

  17. Pass on the ravioli special at Triple George. Stick with a steak.

  18. 4:43 - the Nevada Supreme Court justices, with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, are not reading your briefs. You're writing for law clerks and staff attorneys, who are either writing bench memos for the court or doing oral presentations about your case to the justices. I would point out the assertions that are not supported by the record and hope that someone recommends a reprimand to opposing counsel, but don't count on it.

  19. Just curious--is this attorney's name **n **ris**p**r*on?

  20. No. But if **n **ris**p**r*on is as irritating as my dude, you have my sympathy.

  21. I'm not a code breaker, but you have to start trying harder on trying to disguse names (although I appreciate the effort). I don't know **n **ris**p**r*on, but I'll keep an eye out for him in the future. ;)

  22. 4:54 - if the "code" was unbreakable, then nobody would know who 9:17 was talking about. Perhaps next time 9:17 will use **n **ris**p**r*on's ceremonial Navajo name. That way, everyone will be able comment. Pray tell, did you graduate from Boyd?

  23. sometimes, i like to look at le*bi*n *orn on my *omp*te*.

  24. 2:51 Maybe 9:17 IS your dude.

  25. Not possible. Nothing is mispelled, he didn't make any ethics allegations against me, and the comment was actually pertinent to the thread. Definitely not the same dude.
