Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Denied, Halverson, Denied

Judge Halverson's motion for a temporary restraining order was denied by U.S. District Judge Jones. (Las Vegas Now)

Word from the hearing is that bat-shit crazy Halverson tried to fire her counsel during the hearing and the Judge refused to allow it.

The ruling means that Halverson's Disciplinary Hearing will resume at 1:30 p.m.


  1. As if she did not know that she hired a divorce firm whose two partners have been practicing law for less than 3 years to appear in federal court for her?

    I sense another unpaid Halverson legal bill.

  2. This great quote from the RJ's 8/7/08 coverage of the Fed Ct.Hg:

    "We have a serious concern that her rights in this country are being deprived," said Michael Schwartz, one of the attorneys for the suspended judge.

    As if Halverson should be concerned about her rights in, say, Western Samoa?

    No wonder Halverson tried to take over from her lawyers at the hearing:

    "Halverson attended the federal court hearing and tried to speak during the arguments. Jones, however, told her to speak through her attorneys."

    BTW, there is a judicial opening in Western Samoa, and Halverson would be considered height/weight appropriate (if not hot--literally and figuratively) there:
