This is definitely true over at Abovethelaw.com. They recently put a post up about the Halverson hearing and received the following comments:
Comment #11 went a satirical route:
And potentially new Halverson news from Comment #251:(AP) Las Vegas - District court chief judge Elizabeth Halverson died earlier today during a court room proceeding to remove her from the bench, literally. Judge Halversons Rascal wheelchair (4 volt model) became lodged in the courtroom bench cutting off her air cable and leading to her eventual asphyxiation. The coroners office will need to confirm specific details, but courtroom observers say they saw her "binging on Barbecue Fritos, Vienna sausages, and Juji Fruits," and "filling her face with Hot Pockets, Twizzlers, and Twinkies" before driving up to the bench. Upon parking her Rascal, she continued to binge. At some point it appears she choked off her oxygen cable and began to struggle.
Unable to unwedge her trunk-like thighs from the bench, courtroom staff were unable to remove the oxygen line blockage. Judge Halverson was declared dead upon arrival of the paramedics . . .
All in all, this hearing is turning out to be as absurd as everyone thought it could be.“Why isn't someone contacting some of her former co-workers at the IRS? I used to work with Elizabeth LaMacchia (Halverson) at the IRS in San Mateo, Ca., and she was an obnoxious person with everyone ( taxpayers, representatives and co-workers.). “Elizabeth resented anyone that was slender, pretty and married.
Elisabeth forced a number of female co-workers to constantly escort her to the restroom on a so called afternoon break . She constantly intimidated CPAs and enrolled agents with her California Bar Association Membership Card; constantly insulted management and anyone with authority; made male co-workers prepare her lunch and "fetch" water for her on a daily basis, and "openly" harassed new trainees assigned to her by the manager. “Elisabeth made everyone at work suffer for what she perceived as "weight discrimination "by the by the IRS, when they refused to hire her as an attorney.
After observing Elisabeth for years as a co-worker, I can believe she used her position as a judge to get even with anyone that crossed her path. “This is one
"jackpot" Las Vegas can keep!”
[hat tip to SG for finding the comment]
OMG... That totally explains it. If anyone here has dealt with some of the IRS auditor in the Vegas office and then read Comment #251 referenced in this posting (from ATL), you would have had the same response I did "Aha! That's the problem!". The IRS seems to like to hire people who are not happy with themselves and thus take it out on those they are auditing. This does not seem to hold true of their attorneys though, only their auditors - especially those who have been auditors for many many years and are passed over for a promotion into the appeals section.
ReplyDeleteJust an observation...
I worked with Elizabeth at the IRS also. My experience was totally different. She was a bit pushy with Taxpayers who were trying to get out of paying their taxes like the rest of us have to. But all and all she was fine.
ReplyDeleteShe was a great trainer and taught me a lot. Her classes were always fun and she always interjected some kooky humor.
I think a lot of the allegations here are being blown up and taken out of context. Lamacchia/Halverson is really quite funny.. I think some of her humor is taken as odd.
Elizabeth Halverson wins Blue Ribbon at the Vegas County Fair!
ReplyDeleteFormer Judge Elizabeth Halverson was awarded a blue ribbon for Fattest Pig at the Vegas County Fair! The judges of the fair unanimously decided that 2,590 pound Halverson was the winner.
Halverson was too busy stuffing her face full of twinkies and pizza to notice that she had won, and she subsequently ate her gold medal, mistaking it for a jelly-filled doughnut.
ATTENTION: Las Vegas Residents and Anyone who has received a Ticket in Clark County.
ReplyDeleteClark County Court Administration has stated that it is perfectly acceptable for Ileen Spoor to take moving violation and traffic tickets from the public and refer them to local Attorney's free of charge. These Attorney's will get a reduction in your Ticket fees, and will get moving violations reduced to Parking Citations.
They will also get the ticket amount reduced.
This will be all at no fee if you go through Ileen Spoor, JEA at the Regional Justice Center.
Please feel free to Email Ileen with your traffic Citation information at:
[Redacted by Editors]
Please include your Citation number, date of Citation and your phone number so Ileen may contact you to obtain a copy of your ticket.
This is Ileen's REAL Email address.
She has been running this Ticket busting Service at the RJC for 8 years and Clark County is aware and states this is open to anyone in the public sector.
I will be using this service. I suggest you do as well. No more taking time off work. No more having to hire and pay for your own attorney.
She will also handle dismissing Jury Duty if you do not feel up to doing it, or you are just to busy.
Your welcome for the Email Address.
Las Vegas Review Journal August 8, 2008
ReplyDelete"When the ticket issue surfaced last year, court officials reviewed Spoor's e-mail but found no evidence of illegal activity.
Michael Sommermeyer, spokesman for the District Court, said Thursday that judicial executive assistants are allowed to refer individuals to lawyers for legal advice. Spoor's activity would fall under this category, he said.
When asked why tickets would be sent to a district judge, he said the judges are elected officials who sometimes receive tickets from their constituents.
He said that the public is free to send traffic tickets to judges at District Court but that it's up to the judge and staff whether they want to refer it to an attorney.
He said the practice was similar to Ticket Busters, the local legal service that advertises that it takes care of tickets."
[Redacted by Editors]
This is Ileen Spoor REAL Email Address. She will be glad to help you reduce your ticket bail amount,Change moving violations to a traffic citation and dismiss Jury Duty if you are to busy to go or simply do not feel like it.