Thursday, August 7, 2008

Largest Plaintiff's Verdict in NV?

A reader wrote in that the "largest Plaintiff's verdict" in Nevada history was handed down yesterday in the case of Gilbert Hyatt vs. California Franchise Tax Board: $138 million.

While the media has been busy with Halverson, the verdict was handed down from the jury in Judge Walsh's chambers yesterday for approximately $138 million. Plaintiff's counsel included Peter Bernhard of Bullivant Houser Bailey (listed as lead counsel on Blackstone) and Mark Hutchison from Hutchison & Steffen.

Whether it's the largest award in NV or not, congratulations to Bernhard and Hutchison for the victory.

We'll get you more info soon, but for now here's a link to a newsletter from the California Taxpayer's Association summarizing the issues and facts of the case.

Link to newsletter

[hat tip to J for the story]


  1. You have made a serious error. Peter Bernhard of Bullivant Houser Bailey is lead counsel for the plaintiff. He has always been lead counsel for the plaintiff. You need to correct this story.

  2. correction made. thanks for catching that. it looks like I received an incomplete tip.

    have you seen any media coverage on the verdict? I'd like to get more info out about it.

  3. ewwww, that was sooo serious. I am shocked that a Gossip Blog might have incomplete knowledge about something that wasn't even in the news. Legal Eagle needs to watch out for a Not-Giving-Credit Tort Claim now. That was as SERIOUS as a Halverson hypoglycemic event. Do you feel the earth shaking? That's Halverson falling off the 4 volt! Legal Eagle, this is all your fault! FIX IT!!!

  4. Go f---k yourself.

  5. Hey, be nice to LE.

  6. tsongas litagation consulting rocks, it was those demonstrative graphics that won the case fer sure!!!!!

  7. So, let me guess, Anonymous 10:53am and Anonymous 3:31pm are the same person?
    If so, and they are so worried about giving credit where credit is due as to ensure BHS doesn't have its feelings hurt, how is it that Anonymous 3:31 cares so little about fellow commenters?
    Legal Eagle - Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing fine. You corrected it as soon as you were informed it was incorrect. There will always be someone who will blow things out of proportion. Anonymous 3:21p called them on it but Anon 3:31p couldn't handle the criticism.

  8. The crazy thing about this case is that the jury is still determining the amount of punitive damages. The verdict will be a lot bigger.

    Mark Hutchison and Peter Bernhard were counsel for Plaintiff in this matter. However, Mark Hutchison was lead counsel and Pete would be the first to say this. Nevertheless, a great victory for the team.

  9. The jury came back today with it's puntive damages verdict: $250 million more in puntive damages. So, a total verdict of roughly $387 million for Mr. Hyatt! Inredible! I have no idea if that is the largest verdict ever in Nevada, but I have to think it is up there.

    I observed a lot of the trial as a court employee, and I have to agree with the last comment posted - Mark Hutchison was clearly the "lead" counsel for the plaintiff, although Bernhard also helped a lot. I'm not sure where that first anonymous was coming from....kind of weird. Very interesting case though - I woudl have to think this woudl be in the news now that it is over. Maybe? I mean, the local papers put stupid stuff in the news, why not this?
