Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Associate Season coming to a close

The time when firm attorneys can pawn off their most tedious assignments on summer associates is rapidly coming to an end. So in light of the end of the season, we're going to put a call out for information on the summer programs.

Please send responses to or by leaving a comment to this post.

Tell us:

  • how many interns/summer associates did your firm have?
  • what schools were they from?
  • how much did you pay them?
  • how did they work out?
  • are you going to hire them?
Alverson Taylor: 9 summer associates; Schools: Boyd School/UNLV (3), U of Utah (2), Thomas Jefferson (San Diego) (2), Pepperdine (2). Summer salary was $5,200/mo.
Fennemore Craig: 12 summer associates; Schools: 3 from Boyd School/UNLV (2 worked in Phoenix; 1 in LV). Summer salary was $2,115/week.
Jolley Urga: 1 summer associate; School: Boyd School/UNLV
Lewis Brisbois: 3 summer associates; Schools: Boyd School/UNLV (2) and Duke (1).
Lionel Sawyer and Collins: 3 summer associates (2 in Vegas, 1 in Reno); Schools: Boyd School/UNLV (1), Michigan (1) and Iowa (1). Summer salary was $1,845/week.


  1. Jolley Urga = 1 from Boyd.

  2. Fennemore Craig: 12 overall, 3 from Boyd (2 in Phoenix; 1 in LV). $2115/wk.

  3. ATMS: 9 total, 3 from Boyd, 2 from U of Utah, 2 from Thomas Jefferson (San Diego), 2 From Pepperdine. $5,200/mo.
