Friday, August 15, 2008

Live Halverson coverage continues

You find find a link for live coverage at

[photo and caption courtesy of]


  1. Halverson update: Legal Giant did in fact aspire to "Harvard Law Review" quality work

    Don Chairez, a former Clark County District Court (Las Vegas) judge and former district attorney, who is now running for Justice of the NV Supreme Court [ link; ] -- Halverson’s classmate at UCLA-LS, and Halverson’s former employer as a judicial law clerk, testified this afternoon in the ongoing disciplinary hearing against the 500 pound judge everyone loves to hate. Chairez was called to the stand as a part of Halverson’s case, but was also on the special prosecutor’s witness list.

    Chairez is the former jurist who once described Halverson’s work as “Harvard Law Review" quality. [Link: ]

    The jurist described what he characterized as Halverson’s “justified” distain at the prevalent level of practice in the Nevada Courts by attorneys who would “charge their clients a lot of money”, yet would file “boiler plate” pleadings, often citing “cases that had been overruled 5 or 6 years ago”.

    The classmate-turned-jurist-turned-lawmaker also descried the day he was visiting Halverson’s chambers and saw Halverson discover evidence that her former Executive Administrative Assistant Ileen Spoor had been fixing traffic citations, describing Halverson as being genuinely “taken aback” and wondering aloud “what else” was going on under her nose that she did not know about.
    BTW, Chairez is an almost freakish, Separated at Birth [link:] doppelganger to former Bush Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales—both in appearance and demeanor.

    Chairez is in a very tight race for an open justice position on the Nevada Supreme Court. [Link: ], tying for second place in the August 12 primary election.

  2. Halverson is now out of witnesses, mainly because a number of subpoenaed witnesses filed to show.

    Commission appears ready to call the hearing over.

    Halverson des not have proofs of service.

    Bla bla bla.

    Yet another break so Halverson can try to produce a POS.

    Hearing is ending not with a bang but a whimper.

    Halverson did call a few witnesses who added little.

    Utterly boring conclusion.

  3. Witness, a lawyer, testifies that at trial halverson was accused of sleeping in, he never saw her sleeping.

    Hearing over. 10 working days after the TR is prepared, parties to file simultaneous closing briefs.

    No result is expected for a month or more.

  4. She seemed incredibly irate that neither Solo nor the Wookie responded to her subpoenas
